[閒聊] 當年Cole跑去嗆Bauer是什麼心態?

看板Baseball標題[閒聊] 當年Cole跑去嗆Bauer是什麼心態?作者
時間推噓 7 推:19 噓:12 →:14


He graduated high school half a year early, because he despised it, and
enrolled at UCLA as a mechanical engineering major before the 2009 season.
The team’s coach, John Savage, had told him he could continue to handle his
own development and training as long as it kept working. Another top pitchingrecruit, a strapping Orange County kid named Gerrit Cole, wasn’t on board. A
few weeks into school, as Bauer tells it, Cole reamed him out in front of thewhole team in the weight room for not following the same program as everybodyelse; while they lifted heavy weights, he did his own mobility exercises and
wiggled his shoulder tube. “He told me in front of everybody that I had no
future in baseball, that I didn’t work hard, and that I’m a p----,” Bauer
says. “I was like, ‘F--- you, Gerrit.’ꠊ


但Cole卻因為這件事 在其他隊友面前直接嗆Bauer沒認真訓練 打棒球沒未來






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tairry200906/13 09:37Bauer是自己想簽短約的

mose5678906/13 09:38屈就LUL

kuso1058206/13 09:39因為bauer是學弟

JohnLackey06/13 09:40Bauer就怪咖阿

Timekeeper06/13 09:40最後三行XD

abc1281206/13 09:40他們倆個同屆 但Bauer因為跳級上大學 比較年輕

polanco06/13 09:40Cole就抹油 Bauer的轉速突然增加400轉肯定是科學的力量

polanco06/13 09:40是嗎?

goodnight4Tw06/13 09:41ID

mtyk1010006/13 09:41哥倆好都抹油仔賺大約

polanco06/13 09:42不過Cole這樣直接嗆人…是因為傳統運動員瞧不起科學家的

polanco06/13 09:42心態嗎

jkl85206/13 09:44科學家 抹油的科學家嗎

kaelxie06/13 09:45之前本版有討論過了阿

hohohohohoka06/13 09:46照JOSH說法的話 大聯盟沒抹油的可能比較難找

BlakeSnell06/13 09:46無聊 我要看到血流成河

caesst8514906/13 09:48美式訓練不就是自己私下多練?為什麼還會被嗆?

hy65406/13 09:50Bauer看起來就不太好相處的怪咖

kkjjkkjj06/13 09:52兩個是討論一起抹油啦

kkjjkkjj06/13 09:52懂嗎?

max260406/13 09:52這篇無聊

bgp91511706/13 09:58不會打電話問他嗎

avcddd06/13 10:05科學家油鮑已證明自己抹油不會輸給油柯 接下來就比不抹

Corydoras06/13 10:06現在都抹油 半斤八兩

avcddd06/13 10:06校正回歸誰能更好 我猜是鮑仔勝

ttmm06/13 10:07UCLA抹油學校?

taddy054006/13 10:26cole是氣他不把科學點的抹油技術教給他,讓他只能用傳

taddy054006/13 10:26統抹油法

inconspicous06/13 10:28就跟老人喜歡對年輕人說三道四一樣

l71147006/13 10:29總教練都沒意見,Cole是在不高興什麼

a956420806/13 10:31霸凌仔都這樣R 沒為什麼

dragon5011906/13 10:35Cole就長得很像美國電影的惡霸校園風雲人物(偏見

dracomalfoy06/13 10:35兩個滿手都是油 結案

dragon5011906/13 10:35不過UCLA一年出了狀元&探花 史無前例吧?

yankees73306/13 10:46你不會去問Cole喔

darvish07206/13 10:56互相焦油,呃...我是說交流

kenro06/13 11:17年紀就差不多了還老人,年輕時互看不合而已

kkkk092306/13 11:21鮑哥是自己想簽短約,拼身價的

howie0021506/13 11:22有事嗎

sffstpl06/13 12:22建議發文前多用用腦袋

mazinger06/13 13:16大概只有蝴蝶球投手不用油吧

ultratimes06/13 13:47是好朋油呢

Eric6020306/13 13:51包爾今天也爆囉 科學家 加油好嗎

yankees73306/13 14:10護航包爾後就爆 笑死

gatsbyhsu06/13 15:08傳統抹油派vs科學抹油派