Re: [新聞] 美媒列11隊可能對Cano有興趣 最終結果是

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1. Boston Red Sox
The Jackie Bradley Jr. plan in right field isn't working (Boston's right
fielders are hitting .156/.224/.221 this year) and the Red Sox could put JD
Martinez in the outfield full-time, clearing DH at-bats for Canó. That's a
convoluted plan for potentially no return, though the Red Sox rank 24th in
baseball with 3.52 runs scored per game. Something has to give, offensively.


2. Chicago White Sox
Already six different players have started a game at DH for the ChiSox and
the revolving door only figures to continue in the wake of Eloy Jiménez's
injury. Canó could fill that spot full-time, provide balance to a very
right-handed lineup, and maybe provide a little spark to a White Sox team
that is 2-11 in its last 13 games and ranks 25th in baseball with 3.29 runs
scored per game.

白襪:目前試過的DH普遍打得蠻糟糕,主砲Eloy Jimenez又受傷,影響整體火力輸出

3. Cleveland Guardians
Franmil Reyes, Cleveland's regular DH, is in the middle of a brutal slump: 1
for 28 (.036) with 18 strikeouts. He hit .254/.324/.522 with 30 home runs a
year ago, however, and I don't get the sense the Guardians are ready to give
the reins to someone else. Canó does fit into their budget (i.e. one of the
smallest in the league), however.


4. Los Angeles Dodgers
The Dodgers signed Pujols last year. Would they sign Canó this year? Their
bench isn't as strong as in previous seasons and Max Muncy hasn't been
himself so far in 2022. If Canó wants to chase a ring, this is the place to
go, but it takes two to tango and I'm not sure Los Angeles will have interest.


5. Miami Marlins
Perhaps this will change following Derek Jeter's departure, but the Marlins
have been Yankees South the last few years. They have countless former
Yankees players and personnel in their front office, on their coaching staff,on the roster, etc. Canó would be more of the same. That said, signing Canó
would mean one of Jesús Aguilar, Garrett Cooper, Avisaíl García, and
Jorge Soler would be on the bench each day, and I'd bet against that


6. Minnesota Twins
The Twins have used 10 -- 10! -- different players at DH through 22 games.
Only once all year has the same player started back-to-back games at DH.
Minnesota uses a full-blown DH rotation. They could sign Canó and add him to
the mix rather than give him the job full-time, though I imagine Canó will
look to join a team that is willing to give him a lot of playing time.



7. New York Yankees
What about a return to the Bronx? It seems very unlikely with Giancarlo
Stanton and Josh Donaldson sharing DH duty, and Gleyber Torres and DJ
LeMahieu sharing second base. Then again, Torres hasn't been particularly
impactful the last few years, and Canó might jump at the chance to suit up
for a team that a) has baseball's best record, b) plays in a ballpark that isfriendly to lefty hitters, and c) he's very familiar with. Never say never!


8. Oakland Athletics
The A's are beginning to fade after a strong start to the season. They've
gotten nothing from the DH position (.136/.220/.259), and if they were
interested in fielding a respectable team, maybe they'd take a leagu-minimum
roll of the dice on Canó. It seems the last thing ownership cares about
right now is respectability though, so let's call this unlikely.


9. San Diego Padres
Luke Voit's injury has created an opening at DH, which the Padres have filledwith a revolving door for the time being. GM AJ Preller is nothing if not
aggressive, and San Diego's strong start has them sitting in a virtual tie
for first place in the NL West. This is not the time to rest on your laurels.If Preller believes Canó has something left in the tank, he could act quick.


10. Tampa Bay Rays
A sneaky-good fit. The Rays rotate players through the DH spot and they've
gotten solid production from the position this year (.284/.356/.407). Canó
would give them yet another option and he wouldn't cost much money. With
Brandon Lowe starting the season slowly, Tampa is short on difference-making
lefty bats. As a platoon DH, Canó could fit with the Rays.

光芒:陣中缺少左打 B.Lowe慢熱

11. Toronto Blue Jays
Possibly the best fit. Zack Collins has cooled following his quick start and
the Blue Jays are very short on lefty bats. It's Collins, Raimel Tapia,
Bradley Zimmer, and Cavan Biggio when he comes off the COVID list. That's it
for lefties. Toronto has rotated guys through the DH spot for much of the
season and Canó would fit as a bottom-of-the-lineup complementary piece.




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TRosenthal05/04 02:01Reyes今年超鳥

bananacookie05/04 02:04其實打得出來不管多少錢還是有隊伍會收,但他今年

bananacookie05/04 02:04才50ops+,狀態不佳還有年紀大比較麻煩

Kevin060805/04 02:09今年先去Guardians,明年再到Guardians

Darvish556605/04 02:14我幫忙列 巨人:超過33

looks14389505/04 02:20富邦:需要強大的洋砲

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a9403750105/04 02:26洞的球隊吧

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