Re: [乳摸] 今永昇太
Shota Imanaga finalists are the #RedSox #Cubs #Angels #Giants according to sources.
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首Po每天刷消息刷到好焦慮乾脆在這版統整== @Ken Rosenthal 三隻仍須補強輪值的球隊:大都會、洋基、金鶯被預期不會參與標價, 紅襪、巨人,是兩支唯一有被提到名字仍在追價的球隊。 -3
起床消息就大轉彎 NEWS: The Mets are among the teams involved in the Shota Imanaga discussions r ight now, per @Feinsand 大都會也在競爭今永的行列中 --2
紅襪ㄉ部分 在更早之前一點紅襪是相當積極在追今永的, 現在也被指出仍在追求, 不過相對於其他牽涉其中的球隊而言, 原文使用了lurking、也就是潛伏的姿態,6
Sammon says the Mets are unlikely to meet his price (around $100 MM). Giants d on’t sound like they will either. Cubs, Red Sox, or Angels? 大都會和巨人不太可能為了今永會出到100M 小熊、紅襪或天使? --2
There are multiple conflicting reports on who’s in and who’s out on the Shota Imanaga sweepstakes, but @SANSPOCOM reports the San Francisco Giants and Los Ang eles Angels are the current frontrunners as the deadline approaches. 日媒:巨人跟天使領先4
日職橫濱DeNA海灣之星王牌左投今永昇太去年季後透過入札制度挑戰美國大聯盟,目前爭 奪戰進入最高潮。最初小熊、巨人、紅襪和天使被列為最終候選,但據《The Athletic》 報導,目前爭奪戰可能僅剩下天使一支球隊,小熊、巨人和紅襪態度轉為消極。 據大聯盟相關人士透露,除非在最後階段出現驚人的轉變,否則小熊隊似乎不太可能成為 今永昇太新東家,並指出,「雖然小熊沒有完全退出爭奪戰,但他們的態度變為消極,能2
怎麼感覺都講到自己沒在認真追 = = --1
The Giants, Red Sox, Cubs and Angels have been tabbed by sources as the finalist s for Imanaga, but according to one source, San Francisco might be emerging as t he favorite. 決選:巨人、紅襪、小熊、天使
[分享] MLB Trade Rumors 今年自由球員排名6月版 1. Shohei Ohtani, SP/DH, Angels 2. Yoshinobu Yamamoto, SP, Orix Buffaloes 3. Matt Chapman, 3B, Blue Jays 4. Lucas Giolito, SP, White Sox35
[情報] 洋基、大都會、金鶯可能不會競標今永昇太來源: Ken Rosenthal和Levi Weaver寫的報導 其中關於今永昇太的段落提到 Imanaga, 30, ranked anywhere from No. 11 to No. 22 in the free-agent rankings by five members of The Athletic’s staff — Jim Bowden, Tim Britton, Aaron Gleeman30
[情報] 巨人&紅襪 對山本由伸報價超過3億The #Giants and #RedSox both making a strong recent push for Yoshinobu Yamamoto both with offers more than $300 million dollars according to sources. Certainly others too making strong runs. 巨人跟紅襪都對山本由伸報價超過3億美金,也有其他球隊仍也正在強力追逐中23
[情報] MLBTR的亞洲球員合約預測(大谷528M)MLB Trade Rumors前五十大FA &合約/落點預測 亞洲球員部分 1.大谷翔平. Twelve years, $528MM21
[分享] 今永昇太即將開放競標 有望獲得5年75M合約Japanese LHP Shota Imanaga is expected to be posted for MLB teams between now and Monday, per @Feinsand Imanaga, 30, started the WBC championship for team Japan. He has a career 3.18 ERA over 1,002 2/3 innings pitched in the NPB.22
[分享] 山本由伸會在BA的百大新秀排第一或第二來源: 原文是Baseball America解釋今年開始為什麼不會把打過海外職棒的球員排進百大新秀跟各 隊農場前30名 不過他們還是有給評分讓讀者自己排18
[外電] 大聯盟官網民調:FA的下家?Where will the biggest free agents sign this offseason? Let's see what the exper ts think. polled 50 of its reporters and analysts on where 11 free-agent stars wil l end up for the 2023 season. These are the consensus picks for each one -- Aaro7
[情報] 今永昇太預期能拿到均薪20M合約?Shōta Imanaga, winning pitcher in the WBC gold medal game, is drawing broad int erest from @MLB clubs, including the Dodgers, Mets, Red Sox, and Cubs. Some in the industry believe he could receive an AAV in the $20 million range. 今年是日本選手發財年嗎XD7
[情報] 今永昇太 預計新年後前往美國不曉得為什麼前面那篇台媒報導寫26號就去了 Shota Imanaga is reportedly planning on visiting teams after the new year on.sny .tv/OZ5Cvnx 今永計畫在新年以後前往美國與有興趣的下家會面1
[情報] 巨人對今永昇太有興趣The Giants have shown interest in free agent starter Shōta Imanaga, whose marke t is likely to clarify once Yamamoto agrees to his contract. 巨人對今永昇太有興趣 而根據Jon Heyman的報導
[討論] 認真問 亞太今年有可能有職棒賽事嗎15
[暈船] 20023年13
[閒聊] 台北好冷13
[閒聊] 身邊有朋友要去1/11挺貪汙的嗎 預估10w人12
[討論] 今年兄弟終於沒有台東了9
[閒聊] 母雞卡16
[討論] 懂哥去當一軍捕教8
[閒聊] 悍創8
[閒聊] 林張子俊7
[閒聊] 這杯子不是這樣用的7
[閒聊] 中職有球員看mygo跟ave mujica嗎?6
[閒聊] Sarah Edwards6
[閒聊] 新活水12強冠軍專刊36
[閒聊] 潮州有什麼好玩的嗎?6
[分享] 周董新歌!!!23
[閒聊] 落合在日職史上球星裡5
[閒聊] 失智老人的前兆5
[閒聊] 拜託讓我看母雞卡第三集29
[閒聊] 加州洛杉磯野火4
[分享] 校長:希望大巨蛋分多一點場次給我們4
Re: [討論] 分身王勇氣家4
[國父] 楊坤4
Re: [閒聊] 林張子俊13
[閒聊] 這張嘟嘟有像誰嗎7
[閒聊] 吐司邊19
[閒聊] 校長證實洽談象魔力9
[閒聊] 這一季會很常出現“謝謝你兄弟”嗎3
[分享] 介紹賓士哥來的看來是三石4
[閒聊] 全台灣球場土地公廟攻略8
[分享] 是誰啊