[閒聊] 今永53M/4Y

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The Cubs are in agreement with lefty Shota Imanaga on a 4 yr, $53 million deal, sources tell ESPN. After 2 yrs, the team has the option to extend the contract to $80 million over 5 yrs. If they decline, Imanaga has the option to become a free agent. Same after third yr.

2年後可以變80M/5Y 不要的話今永可以逃脫



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※ 編輯: choobii ( 日本), 01/11/2024 08:46:46

WasJohnWall01/11 08:474號價格

cplusplus42601/11 08:47所以53M是穩的?

cplusplus42601/11 08:48那簽的還行吧 比2Y/30M有保障

cplusplus42601/11 08:48投的好還能換約

alex872501/11 08:48球探説後段輪值是真的