Re: [討論] 關於投手的 Stuff
<Here Is What "Stuff" Means
in Baseball>
Great stuff, delivered with
with maximum craft, is
Pedro Martinez. Great stuff
with minimal craft is Nolan
Ryan. Great craft without
stuff is Greg Maddux.
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[情報] Malone:我不希望領先湖人太多Michael Malone wants a halftime lead. But not too big a lead. Because you know ow what happens when the @nuggets grab a big lead. Just a little lead. Oh, and great stuff on the Jamal shot here. 馬龍:我想要半場領先湖人,但不希望領先太多,因為你知道當金塊領先太多時會發生什麼。 馬龍臭湖人也算是這幾年的例行節目了,好幾次都在採訪上直接靠北XD -----爆
[花邊] 老尖:為何龜龜場均大三元是刷,阿肥不是Why when Russ was avg a triple double 3 straight yrs it was a problem he stat padding but joker do it he can win his 3 rd MVP they do the same stuff every y r have great stats great regular season and get they ass whoop in the playoff s but no criticism59
[討論] 中職史上stuff最好的純本土投手?如題 現今有許多旅外投手返台加入中職 這些旅外投手備受球團倚仗,有些投手宰制性的成績 不過我很好奇的是 中職史上stuff最強的純本土投手會是誰?6
Re: [閒聊] Stuff最差的賽揚強投是林盲腸嗎幫你講解一下啦 「Stuff」的使用最早可以追溯到遠達一個世紀以前。1911年,《泰唔士報》有一篇文章 在探討當代最強投手是誰,波士頓惡棍隊(Boston Rustlers,勇士隊前身)一壘手譚尼 (Fred Tenney)稱讚紐約巨人隊投手、同時也是初代名人堂成員馬修森(Christy Mathe wson)時說道:「我認為他是棒球界有史以來最強的投手,他比其他人擁有更多的『Stuf6
Re: [討論] 林詔恩速球Stuff蠻好的 投在高的位置效果蠻好 這點跟江辰晏有點像 不知道轉速多少 變化球投得進去 還可以更好 印象中是command好的投手 今天反而是靠stuff壓制 -----4
[閒聊] 投手stuff常常看到 尤其美職 討論投手的stuff 或天花板 會說某某投手是1號先發 stuff 某某投手投出ace的成績但其實是2號先發 某某投手天花板是3號先發 哪些投手只能當4 5號的後段輪值3
[情報] 07/05 the daily horoscopeYou have hidden charms and talents that others take great joy in discovering. You have an enigmatic persona, Gemini, even though you see yourself as very up front and transparent. It's simply that you don't take yourself too seriously, and you aren't one to boast about your attributes. Today, though, it would be wise to display one such gift because there are powers at play that could ser3
[情報] 03/02 Daily HoroscopeIn the late 1990s, "don't sweat the small stuff" was a popular phrase, and it is still heard today. It originated as the title of a book by Richard Carlson, Ph.D., a psychologist. Try to embrace this idea now, Leo, for it can help you make it through a challenging time. The things you are dealing with may be lo ts of "small stuff," but as you know, it does add up. The choice of how you re1
[討論] control command stuff之前有疑惑覺得是什麼意思去查了一下 control=把球投進好球帶的能力 command=把球控在好球帶邊邊角角的能力 中文有對應的詞嗎? 感覺控球這個詞同時包含兩者
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