[閒聊] NBA X球案
前暴龍球員Jontay Porter被發現欠下大量賭債
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[花邊] Jontay Porter被NBA永banRaptors' Jontay Porter has received a lifetime ban from the NBA for violating league's gaming rules. 暴龍中鋒Jontay Porter因為賭博被永久禁賽了 --74
[情報] woj:根據聯盟調查,Porter押注暴龍輸球Woj:根據聯盟的調查,Porter 押注暴龍隊輸球 NBA has leveled a lifetime ban on Jontay Porter for gambling. NBA 已對 Jontay Porter 實施終身禁賽,原因是他參與賭博 In addition, from January through March 2024, while traveling with the Raptors or Raptors 905, the Raptors’ NBA G League affiliate, Porter placed at least45
[情報] Jontay Porter因為簽賭事件被調查Toronto Raptors center Jontay Porter is out of the lineup and a subject of an NBA investigation into irregularities on prop betting involving him, sources t ell @DavidPurdum, @ESPNWindhorst and me. Story soon. 暴龍中鋒Jontay Porter因為NBA調查他相關的不正常簽賭而短期內不會上場40
[花邊] Jontay Porter欠下鉅額賭債,只好放水@TheDunkCentral Jontay Porter allegedly had to throw games because he was in significant gambling debt, per @SbondyNBA34
[情報] Jontay Porter的簽賭疑雲之前Porter因為涉嫌簽賭被聯盟調查 說有人投注他相關的數據贏了一大筆錢 現在 有記者爆料Porter他本身也確實喜歡賭博 Toronto Raptors center Jontay Porter owned and operated a VIP account at FanDuel in Colorado that wagered millions of dollars in total from 2021 to24
[情報] 多倫多暴龍簽下Jontay PorterFree agent F/C Jontay Porter is signing a two-way contract with the Toronto Raptors, Andy Shiffman and Mark Bartelstein of @PrioritySports tell ESPN. Porter -- who spent a season with the Memphis Grizzlies -- has been playing with Detroit's G League franchise. Jontay Porter和暴龍簽下雙向合約 現在的多倫多都在等另一個人… -----24
Re: [花邊] Jontay Porter欠下鉅額賭債,只好放水翻一下New York Post完整的案情報導 A Brooklyn man was busted for allegedly teaming up with a former Toronto Raptors forward — who was banned for life for sports gambling — to place bets on games he knew the disgraced NBA player was going to throw, the feds8
[分享] 賭博終身禁賽NBA 暴龍中鋒 Jontay Porter 因涉及賭博遭NBA官方終身禁賽 細節如下: (當地時間) 1.曾於3/20將自身健康的機密資訊洩漏給認識的朋友 而後者藉此資訊押注Porter表現不良而贏得1.1M賭金4
[金光] 墨家是不是喜歡打假球?現在知道政治和尚俏如來假扮他陰險師傅的時候, 是想配合改革派逍遙遊打放水球, 沒真心想取他命。 難怪當初四人圍殺的時候, 欲星移在那邊用掌招不用劍招,- 永B 連NBA茂安都不配當欸 #別買太多 都沒說 == 希望MPJ不會被影響 --
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