[討論] Joe Maddon
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[情報] 大谷翔平 本季不會再上場投球Shohei Ohtani is not going to pitch on Sunday. He’s going to “shut er down,” Maddon said. He will hit the rest of the way. Decision made by Ohtani and Angels Maddon說大谷關機了,不會投禮拜天的比賽,剩下的比賽都會擔任打者 這是由大谷以及天使球團共同做出的決定52
[閒聊] 大谷翔平「右手痛到不能投球」Joe Maddon said Shohei Ohtani is “too sore to throw.” Will give it a day or two, but hasn’t been ruled out for pitching against the Rays, maybe Dodgers. 今天大谷練投時發現昨天被觸身球伺候的右手痛到沒辦法投球 球團給他一兩天的時間觀察51
[討論] 把所有調度責任都歸給總教練還合理嗎每年洋基跟道奇被淘汰時都會有一票球迷喊要換總欸 可是 這兩隻球團也是聯盟中使用進階數據跟科學化分析最重的兩隻球團之一 這些總教練手上有多少實權也令人懷疑 另外,記得今年Joe Maddon 被天使火掉時26
[分享] Joe Maddon天使帶隊成績Joe Maddon天使帶隊成績 合約:3年1200萬美金+2023年400萬選擇權(100萬買斷) 2020 26勝34敗(美西第四) 團隊薪資:1.82億美金(9) 2021 77勝85敗(美西第四) 團隊薪資:1.98億美金(8) 2022 27勝29敗(美西第二) 團隊薪資:2.06億美金(8)3
[情報] 天使尚未和Joe Maddon談續約#Angels MGR Joe Maddon said he has not been approached about a contract extensio n but would love to sign one. He is entering final season of three-year deal. Joe Maddon is in the final year of his 3-year, $12 million deal, but the #Angels still have a $4 million option on Maddon for the 2023 season or a $1 million bu
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