[閒聊] LF2 翻新 Steam

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] LF2 翻新 Steam作者
時間推噓10 推:10 噓:0 →:2

Quick update. I'm still alive and working on the LF2 remastered. You might
wonder why there's been silence and no updates on social media.

Over the past 2 years, my family and I have faced a few unfortunate events,
causing a halt in my progress and leaving me unmotivated to work on my

Initially, I planned to use Unity (C#) for the remaster, but after reaching
about 70% completion of the standalone version, I decided to switch to
JavaScript (for technical and future potential reasons, without going into
detail here). This meant restarting the coding process all over again.

I couldn't hire an artist to remaster all the character action frames, so I'mdoing it myself. However, I've come to realize that I'm not as young as I
used to be, so progress is slow. Nonetheless, I'm making progress every day.
What's the current status of the remaster project?

I've completed all the coding for the standalone version in JavaScript.
Remaining tasks include work on the network mode (supporting IP connections
for 8 computers), remastering all character graphics, and creating new stage
and characters.

What's the current project schedule?

I aim to release the game on Steam by Xmas this year. However, delays are
always possible, so it might end up being released around the next Lunar New
Year or at a later date.

More updates will be posted on my social media and Patreon page. Apologies
for the delay and thank you for your patience. I am still burning the
midnight oil, so please stay tuned.

現況更新。 我仍然活著並且在進行 LF2 的翻新版工作。 你可能會想知道為什麼社交媒體上一直沒有更新。


最初,我計劃使用 Unity (C#) 進行翻新,但在單機版完成大約 70% 後,我決定轉而使用 JavaScript(出於技術和未來潛力等原因,這裡不詳細說明)。這意味著我必須從頭開始編碼。



我已經完成了 JavaScript 單機版本的所有編碼工作。剩下的工作包括連線模式 (支持 8機IP連線),翻新所有角色的圖形,以及創建新的Stage和角色。


我計劃在今年聖誕節前將遊戲發布到 Steam。但是,延遲總是可能的,所以可能會在下一個農曆新年左右甚至更晚發布。

更多更新將發布在我的社交媒體和 Patreon 頁面上。對於延遲,請原諒並感謝您的耐心等待。我仍在努力熬夜工作中,敬請期待。

一直沒看到有人分享 就貼上來分享一下
不知道還能不能 找回熱度 不過最快也要到12月了@@


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swallow75303/03 17:34一個人做 辛苦了

gino071703/03 17:34應該改用php 世界最美的語言

DivKai03/03 17:38看過新版的人物畫風 覺得舊版比較好看

papertim03/03 17:42看起來好拼啊

※ 編輯: f12345678900 ( 臺灣), 03/03/2024 17:44:49

we1596303/03 18:04他一個人做喔...只花一年感覺很厲害

mkcg582503/03 18:41

h7531141803/03 18:54出了買一套

philip8150103/03 18:59這個是小熊喔?

philip8150103/03 19:02記得他們以前另一個遊戲被盜移植

t7713356200303/03 19:33看看就好

kramasdia03/03 20:52Unity收費政策...失去人心了

joy325235503/03 20:56#1bugw9aN (Steam) 隔壁是有人分享啦XD