[閒聊] EA 取消Battlefield Mobile開發
We’ve made the strategic decision to stop development on Apex Legends Mobile and Battlefield Mobile.
Despite Apex Mobile’s strong start, the ongoing experience was not going to meet the expectations of our players. After months of working with our developmentpartner, we have made the mutual decision to sunset the mobile game. Our love for the Apex universe and our players remains unchanged. We look forward to exploring this universe, its characters, and its stories along with you.
We've also made the decision to stop the development of the current Battlefieldmobile title. As the industry has evolved and our strategy to create a deeply connected Battlefield ecosystem has taken shape, we decided to pivot from the current direction to best deliver on our vision for the franchise and to meet the expectations of our players. We remain highly committed to unlocking Battlefield’s enormous potential. We’re hard at work at evolving Battlefield 2042, and arein pre-production on our future Battlefield experiences at our studios across the globe.
EA啊 還是先救救你家的線路吧
Sent from BePTT
今年射擊遊戲怎麼了,343大裁員 cod19擺爛賽季更新推遲
戰地從來沒好過,都是壞消息啊 這都是個啥啊
紅警2 最佳化 介面搞一下 一定賣翻+1
中國那批RA2玩家不知道有多少都是玩共和國之輝 中國強到爆炸
的非官方MOD 還有26同事跟我對賭這是官方資料片
希望重製泰伯倫之日QQ 它的戰役真的好好玩
[情報] VCS無法參加MSIThe Mid-Season Invitational is just around the corner, and we are excited fo r teams all over the globe to come together to compete in Reykjavik, Iceland starting May 6, 2021. While it was our hope that the top team from each of our 12 regions would be able to join us, due to national travel restrictions75
[閒聊] Kyle Julius IG來源: In a mutual agreement with our great ownership, have decided that I will offic ially resign as head coach of the Formosa Dreamers. After 6 years coaching in Asia, it's time to return home to family, friends, and school for the boys. (在與我們尊敬的老闆的共同協商之下,我正式辭去了福爾摩沙夢想家總教練的職務。在34
[倒了] Apex Legends Mobile 5/1終止運營We have made the decision to sunset Apex Legends Mobile. We're sure you have a lot of questions. For more information on where things are at currently, including an FAQ, please read the blog below.20
[情報] Laver Cup照常舉行The tennis world learned today that the French Tennis Federation intends to sc hedule Roland Garros from Sept 20 – Oct 4, 2020 due to the impact of COVID-19 . These dates overlap with the dates of Laver Cup 2020, already sold out, and s cheduled for September 25 – 27, 2020 at TD Garden in Boston.8
Re: [情報] WARGAMING在烏克蘭被入侵後暫停全球廣Wargaming announces decision to leave Russia and Belarus WARGAMING Discover more Article Wargaming announces decision to leave Russia and Belarus Over the past weeks, Wargaming has been conducting a strategic review of busines6
Re: [心得] 從蘋果發表會看台積電三率三降法說會解釋毛利下降的原因. let me explain to you. The sequential decline is mainly due to mix as the contribution from N5 will increase, but it still carries a dilutive effect. And secondly, we see a slower rate of cost improvement as our fabs continue to run at a very high level of utilization, leaving less time to do cost improvement- 更新: LEC誤發到文章舊版本 年齡限制依舊是17歲 Hey everyone, Zilean published an old version of this article unfortunately.
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