[閒聊] EA 取消Battlefield Mobile開發

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] EA 取消Battlefield Mobile開發 作者
時間推噓14 推:14 噓:0 →:12

We’ve made the strategic decision to stop development on Apex Legends Mobile and Battlefield Mobile.

Despite Apex Mobile’s strong start, the ongoing experience was not going to meet the expectations of our players. After months of working with our developmentpartner, we have made the mutual decision to sunset the mobile game. Our love for the Apex universe and our players remains unchanged. We look forward to exploring this universe, its characters, and its stories along with you.

We've also made the decision to stop the development of the current Battlefieldmobile title. As the industry has evolved and our strategy to create a deeply connected Battlefield ecosystem has taken shape, we decided to pivot from the current direction to best deliver on our vision for the franchise and to meet the expectations of our players. We remain highly committed to unlocking Battlefield’s enormous potential. We’re hard at work at evolving Battlefield 2042, and arein pre-production on our future Battlefield experiences at our studios across the globe.

EA啊 還是先救救你家的線路吧
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s750322802/01 09:32搞不好真的做出來還比戰地本作賺錢

iam071802/01 09:32我覺得EA先擔心狂野之心

Hazelburn02/01 09:33之前不是要建構一個巨大的戰地風雲宇宙嗎

Irenicus02/01 09:33EA你還是趕快去找企鵝求收購吧

lanjack02/01 09:35幸好他們還有腦子

Sunset022202/01 09:37對戰遊戲不重視伺服器跟外掛,這公司還是去死一死

gunng02/01 09:372042至少目前還救得回來

kaitokid121402/01 09:39開發垃圾不如把紅警2重製上steam,我保證賣翻

olaerc2356402/01 09:39我猜技術性困難

lanjack02/01 09:40APEX講的好像從來沒外掛似的

Sunset022202/01 09:41上面說的確實阿,紅警1都重製了更紅的紅警2不重製是

Sunset022202/01 09:41怎樣,看不是很懂,而且我記得中國還有超大坨的紅警

Sunset022202/01 09:412玩家,不趁機撈一波?

lanjack02/01 09:43會怕吧?現在RTS難作又難賣…

Hasanieer02/01 09:45今年射擊遊戲怎麼了,343大裁員 cod19擺爛賽季更新推遲

Hasanieer02/01 09:45戰地從來沒好過,都是壞消息啊 這都是個啥啊

lanjack02/01 09:51343還不是HALO亂搞搞到自己被裁…

lanjack02/01 09:52COD這次一堆人吹爆結果更新還不如努力想把42修好的EA

digitai102/01 09:52紅警2 最佳化 介面搞一下 一定賣翻+1

weltschmerz02/01 09:55這種純移植根本就是自殺

spfy02/01 10:05中國那批RA2玩家不知道有多少都是玩共和國之輝 中國強到爆炸

spfy02/01 10:06的非官方MOD 還有26同事跟我對賭這是官方資料片

spfy02/01 10:06要是移植版沒中國搞不好還會吵

cactus4402/01 10:18apex各家電競都跳槽其他遊戲了

wolver02/01 11:02狂野之心是光榮代工的問題不大,EA要煩惱的只有爛server

Wtaa02/01 14:03希望重製泰伯倫之日QQ 它的戰役真的好好玩