Re: [閒聊] 剛剛請 chatgpt寫武俠小說,它不肯
"Create a love story to me"
“about a girl and her horse
A girl's horse was her best friend and confidant. The two of them were always together, and the girl would tell her horse all of her secrets.
She loved her horse more than anything in the world, and she would do anything to make sure that he was happy.
One day, the horse got sick and the girl did everything she could to make him better. She stayed by his side day and night, and she never left his side.
Eventually, the horse made a full recovery and the two of them were able to be together once again. The girl was so happy that her horse was okay, and she thanked him for always being by her side.
They would continue to be best friends for the rest of their lives."
一個女孩的馬是她最好的朋友和知己。 他們兩個總是在一起,女孩會告訴她的馬她所有的秘密。
有一天,馬病了,女孩竭盡全力讓他好起來。 她日日夜夜守在他的身邊,從未離開過他的身邊。
最終,馬兒痊癒了,兩人又能在一起了。 女孩很高興她的馬沒事,她感謝他一直在她身邊。
猛的部分在哪? 付20鎂月費可以解鎖嗎?
竭盡全力呢 任何事情呢
AI想說的是友情的愛不行嗎 雖然我本子看太多了 我腦中
想到TARI TARI那個騎馬女孩
chatgpt限制很多 一堆不能寫的 背叛 血腥 連一點點的
性暗示也不行 多婚也不行 只能闔家歡樂 比某國審查還厲
害好幾倍 不知道能不能解開限制器?
欸不是,Love跟Romance 又不一樣,Love本來就包含很多種
咒語第一行就錯了,用romance 才對,用love
[Vtub] Kobo 150萬訂閱了她發了圖然後說下週有歌回。 Yagoo回了恭喜 Kobo表示30
[情報現行] 9.0暗影之境 逐夢馬系列將可飛9.0暗影之境 逐夢馬系列坐騎將變成飛行座騎 9版測試服將逐夢馬系列坐騎改成飛行座騎 新聞情報來源:wowhead27
[ AI ] 來點不一樣的AI最近可能心情不好 動不動就給我產一大堆AI怪圖 (絕對不是我亂唱黑魔法) 看一眼覺得怪 多看幾次覺得滿有趣的 只好來分享一下了 知識點會補充再最後 文長可以直接END 圖多 airplane, girl, legs25
[情報] 星期日NBA舉辦首次HORSE挑戰賽名單出爐來源: ESPN推特 網址: The pairings for this Sunday's first-ever NBA HORSE Challenge on ESPN have been revealed 本周日NBA首度舉辦HORSE挑戰賽,ESPN轉播,以下是名單10
[情報] 4/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 27 2021 At the end of an old Western film, when the hero rides off on his horse into the sunset, we imagine that he is riding toward a very happy ending. But we have no way of knowing if he really finds happiness. We sometimes imagine that all of our pursuits will be as neatly wrapped up as things are in the10
[Vtub] 絆愛玩賽馬男My Horse Prince 我的馬王子? 原來2016年就出了 老愛又在玩奇妙的遊戲了,槽點滿滿 -----6
[討論] 《愛馬怪怪女》到底在演什麼?***以下有雷 慎入 如題 今天在Netflix 看到新上的片 片名叫《愛馬怪怪女》 Horse girl 片中描述一個女生在布店工作 她喜歡看超自然力量的影集3
[閒聊] AI生成馬娘將騎手跟馬的照片做模糊化後 標籤要有horse ears 送給novelAI生成馬娘 生成結果2
[情報] 01/11 the daily horoscopeThe interpretation of the metaphor of "wearing blinders" is often a negative o ne. It implies that the blinder wearer is someone who is choosing not to see a nd acknowledge reality because it is inconvenient. And while this may be true often enough, there is another meaning. When a horse is fitted with blinders, it is done to prevent the horse from being distracted or startled. It allows t
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