[閒聊] payday 3 Coming to PC and Consoles 20
This is the year of PAYDAY 3!
Wishlist now on Steam:
Coming to PC and Consoles 2023
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※ PTT 留言評論
[閒聊] 2077 HOTFIX 1.04 (更新修Bug)HOTFIX 1.04 December 11, 2020 New hotfix to Cyberpunk 2077 is now live on PlayStation consoles and PC. For Xbo x systems, we are working to have the update out as soon as possible. Here is th55
Fw: [新聞] MTGA將會上架Steam和家機Magic: The Gathering Arena Is Coming To Steam And Consoles Magic: The Gathering Arena is coming to consoles and Steam. That’s the news coming out of Hasbro’s Q2 earnings call, where Hasbro CEO Chris Cocks noted how great Magic Arena has been for the longstanding trading card game’s43
[情報] 《電馭叛客2077》於今日推出1.22更新這次的更新不多。 而且看來沒有修到我遇到的新BUG,「幻夢」任務的一開始的賣家消失。 是說只差二個獎盃就白金了。 原文聯結:39
[閒聊] 巫師 witcher 3 新的DLC消息Déjà vu? The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt next-gen update is coming to PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC this year! Here’s a sneak peek of our updated cover art. Spoiler alert: we also prepared some free DLCs inspired by @witchernetflix28
Fw: [閒聊] Steam可能會在家機上推出遊戲Gabe Newell Teases the Possibility of Steam Games Coming to Consoles 其實就是Gabe參加紐西蘭一間學校問答活動時的對話 學生: Will Steam be putting any games in consoles, or will it just stay on PC?18
[閒聊] Steam可能會在家機上推出遊戲Gabe Newell Teases the Possibility of Steam Games Coming to Consoles 其實就是Gabe參加紐西蘭一間學校問答活動時的對話 學生: Will Steam be putting any games in consoles, or will it just stay on PC?7
[閒聊] payday 3 Coming to PC and Consoles 20This is the year of PAYDAY 3! Wishlist now on Steam: ----5
[閒聊] GoldenEye 007 on Xbox Game PassJames Bond Returns as GoldenEye 007 Sets Its Sights on Xbox Game Pass Summary GoldenEye 007 is returning to thrill players old and new. A timeless stealth shooter faithfully recreated for new consoles. Coming soon as part of Xbox Game Pass.
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[情報] 戀上換裝娃娃 二季新視覺圖