[情報] CSGO2資格又發送了唷

看板C_Chat標題[情報] CSGO2資格又發送了唷作者
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Your Time is Now
Today we’re updating the CS2 Limited Test with a new map (Inferno!) and the
all new CS Rating.

Your CS Rating is a visible measurement of your Counter-Strike performance,
and it will determine where you stand on global and regional leaderboards. Toget your CS Rating, play matches in the updated Premier mode (our Active DutyPick-Ban competitive mode) either on your own or with your friends.

Additionally, today we’re starting the process of inviting as many eligible
players as possible to the Limited Test. To be eligible for a CS2 Limited
Test invite players must have CS:GO Prime status, an active official
competitive matchmaking Skill Group, and play majority of their official
matchmaking games in one of the regions where the Limited Test is available.

Saving Time
Over the past decade, we’ve shipped updates to the economy and weapon
balance to trim the fat and reduce the number of uncontested rounds in a
match of CS.

Because of these changes, exciting competitive matches can be resolved with
fewer rounds. And shorter matches mean players can play more, and more often.So with CS2, we’re moving to a maximum of 24 rounds in regulation time (with
a 6 round overtime in case of a tie) for Premier, Competitive, and the Majors.

We expect the structure and flow of matches to evolve over time as the
community adapts. And we’re excited to see where they go next.

作者 u3275647 (hank) 看板 TaichungBun 標題 [請益] 尋找台中市下雨天好去處?
推 rainsea0710:臺中文創園區!勤美!科博館! 07/31 02:26推 WTF555666:科博館!勤美!臺中文創園區! 07/31 03:19→ rainsea0710:見鬼了……怎麼會貼了兩次推文@_@ 07/31 03:56
→ rainsea0710:哎呀!看錯!


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Tsozuo09/01 11:33外掛 機器人 黃牛要聯合出擊了

sdd542609/01 11:38那麼 何時才能玩到呢

zsa12309/01 11:46只能等他測試完吧

j5381510209/01 12:00平常沒在打牌位的 不知道是不是現在打了就會跳資格

GBO509/01 12:14有了 改箱子規則後周周RK 剛剛開上去看有收到

jay92031409/01 16:21"CS2" 好像go算延伸類2才是正統續作?

jay92031409/01 16:21剛剛打幾把 被暴打 包點混煙很混亂