[Vtub] Aoi Tokimori 月間Acappella 第一週歌單
Day 1 of #AoiAcapella!!! My voice kind of gave out at the end
Today's song:
ツキアカリ (Tsukiakari) by MikitoP!
Day 2 of #AoiAcapella!!! Gotta keep practicing the low notes...
pitch is everywhere in this song omg
Today's song:
ギザギザ (Gira Gira) by Ado!
Day 3/30 of #AoiAcapella!!! K-ON was so good tbh
Today's song:
No, Thank you! by Houkago Tea Time
Tomorrow and the next day I'm trying some difficult Miku songs...
high notes are hard
Stay tuned!!
Day 4/30 of #AoiAcapella! I wonder how many of you know this
Today's song:
Utautai no Uta by Nanou feat. Hatsune Miku
I took so many takes but this song is super hard!! Gotta keep practicing
(BG is cats bc this song is about a cat I am not the cat)
Day 5/30 of #AoiAcapella! This was my first and is still one of my favorite
back number songs
Today's song:
Takane no Hanako-san by back number
Tomorrow is another high Mike song... we'll see how it goes
Day 6/30 of #AoiAcapella! The melody for this is super hard but I think it
turned out ok...?!?
Today's song:
Tsugihagi Staccato by toa feat. Hatsune Miku
Tomorrow's song is one that made me cry when I first heard it... I wonder howmany of you did too
Day 7/30 of #AoiAcapella! Another one from K-ON~~ I remember I crying at thissong
Who's your favorite K-ON character?? Mine is Yui
Today's song:
Tenshi ni Fureta yo! by Houkago Tea Time
Tomorrow's song... who knows DATEKEN?
NO, Thank You! 一直是我K-ON歌裡首推
第四首V家曲太多 沒聽過 不過也好聽
高嶺的花子 經典
第六首也是V家 V家曲真的多
相遇天使也是K-ON裡的代表曲之一 GJ
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