Re: [閒聊] 實際上,JK羅琳還是缺席《重返霍格華茲》

看板C_Chat標題Re: [閒聊] 實際上,JK羅琳還是缺席《重返霍格華茲》作者
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: 推 Landius: 再搞徹底一點,下一步就是真的把原作者取消掉了吧? 01/19 13:32: 推 WLR: 作者人還活著就被ban 01/19 13:37: → aa1052026: 一群白眼狼靠作者大撈後就把作者拋棄 噁心 01/19 13:39: → oasis404: 靠作者IP吃飯還排擠作者 01/19 13:48: → SangoGO: 羅琳沒有HP價值 01/19 13:49: 推 kid725: 搞成這樣 JK蘿琳有沒有可能自己把版權收回去 反正賺夠多了 01/19 13:50: → mapulcatt: 連影片都用舊的 太好笑了吧 01/19 13:51: 推 xaxa0101: 下一步是不是要宣稱JK羅琳不是哈利波特的作者了? 01/19 13:54: 推 HJC6666: 蘿琳不懂哈利波特 反正沒在電影出現的人不重要 01/19 13:54


Return to Hogwarts: JK Rowling not ‘snubbed’ as she makes appearance in Harry Potter reunion


First looks at the long-awaited Harry Potter reunion special Return to Hogwarts have revealed that author JK Rowling has not been omitted as early reports claimed.


Tabloid reports claimed that Rowling had been “snubbed” from the production due to the controversy surrounding her views on transgender rights.


However, with the special now released in the UK, viewers can watchcast members discuss how much of an impact Rowling’s books had on them personally, before she makes an appearance herself.


Return to Hogwarts review: Harry Potter reunion is filled with magical moments


Much of the speculation surrounding this reunion had, unfortunately, been to do with how much involvement JK Rowling would have. The author who wrote so beautifully about embracing people because of their differences, not in spite of them, and whose books spoke so powerfully to people who felt like social outcasts, has become associated with a series of controversial remarks about one of the most marginalised groups in the UK: transgender people. The press gleefully reported of how she was being “cancelled” by the very franchise she created and “snubbed” from the reunion.


That’s not the case here. The cast members make sincere comments about how Rowling’s wizarding world impacted on them personally as children, as parents, and as young actors unaware of just how much these films would change their lives. Rowling herself makes brief appearances in pre-recorded interviews from 2019, in which she discusses the search for the right Harry (and the relief upon finding Daniel Radcliffe). While there is, understandably, no mention of the controversy Rowling has embroiled herself in outside of Harry Potter, the discussions of how the films promoted acceptance, tolerance and friendship do seem to take on additional meaning.





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Koyomiiii01/19 14:14這什麼護航啊www

rotusea01/19 14:172019年的影像wwwww是真的作者已死是嗎

KOKEY01/19 14:19給個2021版訪談過分嗎,嗯sjw而言,真的太超過

Y199901/19 14:19時空背景不同啦

allen020501/19 14:21把人家搞的像已經死了一樣w

HJC666601/19 14:26批鬥大會嗎wwwwwww

guolong01/19 14:26羅琳又還沒死,紀念啥

mashiroro01/19 14:29家屬答禮完的環節嗎=口=

devilkool01/19 14:30我們懷念她

linzero01/19 14:34禮成

RbJ01/19 14:36哈哈哈哈哈哈

rotusea01/19 14:38羅琳啊,要跟著護法走啊(誤)

aa38475601/19 14:38XDDDDDDD

iam071801/19 14:40可憐 真的很悲哀

s1032kj01/19 14:44我們懷念她

caten01/19 14:472019時還沒乳跨的關係吧,時空切割原作者法

mushrimp546601/19 14:49

kuramoto01/19 14:51「我們沒排擠他啊,是他不想來被我們消費,應該算他排

kuramoto01/19 14:51擠我們吧?」一副事不關己的講幹話,真的蠻噁心的

Landius01/19 14:57搞得跟這原作者只活到2019似的,這操作真心看不懂

egg78101/19 15:07我第一次看到原作者好像要被抹掉一樣

egg78101/19 15:07哪天他們訴求羅琳交出哈利波特的版權我也不意外了

AuroraSkyFox01/19 15:08拿過去的影像說現在沒這回事XDDD

srxteam093501/19 15:09為了政治正確把作者搞得像2019就往生一樣讚ㄛ背骨仔

gibbs128601/19 15:38嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔

isu091101/19 16:39.....

aeoleron01/19 18:04預錄wwwww

segabandai01/23 11:10怎麼好像是某國人的日常跑到英國了?