[閒聊] JAVA版麥塊3月10日起只能用微軟帳戶登入

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Microsoft Accounts will be required to play Minecraft: Java Edition after
March 10

Time is running out for Mojang Accounts, and the reign of the Microsoft
Account is near.
4 Feb 2022

Near the end of 2020, Mojang Studios, the creators of Minecraft, announced
its latest efforts to integrate into its parent company, Microsoft. This
meant the retiring of Mojang Accounts—used by players to access and play

Minecraft: Java Edition and the Minecraft Launcher on PC—and migrating users
to more secure and seamless Microsoft Accounts. On Friday, the company
revealed the deadline for this migration.

After Mar. 10, 2022, a Microsoft Account will be required to play Minecraft:
Java Edition. Players now have a limited amount of time to voluntarily
migrate their older Mojang Accounts before they are required to sign in with
a Microsoft Account in order to play Minecraft. This is the completion of an
extended process announced back in Oct. 2020.




Fortunately, the process for migrating your account is painless, and comes
with various benefits for doing so. Here's what you need to know:

There's no fee or cost to migrating, and it only takes a few minutes to
complete. An option to begin the migration process will appear in the
Minecraft Launcher or Minecraft website whenever you log in
Minecraft: Java Edition is still completely supported and unchanged, and all
of your save data, worlds, profile information, and even mods remain fully
intact and migrate seamlessly

You'll gain added security through a Microsoft Account, including the option
for full two-factor authentication (2FA)

You'll also gain added online privacy and safety through a Microsoft Account,with plenty of additional options and settings to customize

A Microsoft Account can be used to access a variety of services with one
log-in, including Minecraft: Java Edition, Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, and
Minecraft Dungeons through the Microsoft Launcher

Once you've completed the migration process, you'll be gifted a free cape as
a reward for your in-game character. You can redeem this cape at any point,
even if you don't migrate until after the deadline has passed (at which pointit will no longer be optional). If you don't have a Microsoft Account, it's
recommended that you create one for free before Mar. 10 rolls around to make
the process even easier.

In case you missed it, Minecraft: Java Edition is now available through PC
Game Pass, meaning one of the best PC games is more accessible, alongside
Mojang's other Minecraft games and a newly unified Minecraft Launcher. With
the migration of aging Mojang Accounts to Microsoft Accounts nearing
completion, Mojang Studios is integrated a little more into Microsoft and theXbox Game Studios family.

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andy87879702/06 15:27我的腦袋裡已經浮現登入畫面了

RaiGend051902/06 15:28

Makeinu02/06 15:40Mojang帳號太容易被盜了,MS帳號有OTP和U2F安全多了

qsgjnmvb02/06 15:40應該內建是否使用正版作業系統的檢測

poornow02/06 15:43下個正版受害名單,Xbox應用只認C槽...

donkilu02/06 15:45內嵌登入視窗是真的醜 但也沒有嚴重到非修不可

whiteblack1902/06 15:45真他媽噁心

Ishtarasuka02/06 15:46XDDDD

GETpoint02/06 15:46嚇死 只認C槽想逼死誰啦 XD 救援重灌都很依賴分割備份吧

emptie02/06 15:53看了一下原來multimc新版本有支援了

emptie02/06 15:54這樣我可以放心轉移帳號了

storewater02/06 15:56操你媽……

greg9032602/06 16:01這不是好幾個月前官方就一直叫你趕快轉了嗎

freset02/06 16:14這個登入的時候就告訴你了 講了快一年了吧

Koyomiiii02/06 16:17早就在遷移了 原本的帳號系統哪有比較好

leopika02/06 16:19窩的C槽只有250g,太苦惹

gavinlin0602/06 16:49我只覺得微軟做的新Minecraft launcher極度糟糕,之前

gavinlin0602/06 16:49停止服務N天,我還回去載了舊登入器

mahimahi02/06 16:55真養套殺

kaj198302/06 17:20之前ms就在說xgp訂起來,一個帳號可以玩java和基岩版

kaj198302/06 17:21如果不用ms帳登入怎要怎麼辦到一帳雙版本?叫你改是必然

kaj198302/06 17:23記得是去年年底ms發表會的時候提到的

Bencrie02/06 17:36登錄登陸登入

stfang92502/06 18:22快把java砍了

starjack200102/06 18:23未來暴雪遊戲只能用微軟帳戶登入了嗎

oscarss0702/06 21:53有啥養套殺的 整併帳號幾分鐘而已是要你的命嗎

rayven02/06 23:33就是有賤骨頭不見棺材不掉淚啊