[閒聊] 遊戲王MD 未來可能加入的預組

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時間推噓24 推:25 噓:1 →:13

"Dragonmaid" monsters can change their forms throughout battle, and their
effects activate at the beginning and end of the Battle Phase. Master their
effects to bring out a horde of powerful, high-Level Dragon-Type monsters to
your field and devastate your opponents!

Burning Spirits
"Salamangreat" monsters come in a wide variety, and they can be Special
Summoned once their respective conditions have been fulfilled. First, try
Summoning their ace monster, "Salamangreat Heatleo". If you use it as a
material to play the second "Salamangreat Heatleo", you will be able to

Freezing World
One highlight of the "Ice Barrier" archetype is its formidable Synchro
Monsters. Many of its other monsters also have effects that can lock your
opponent out of their tactics. With that in your arsenal, you'll be able to
bring out powerful Synchro Monsters one after the other!unlock even more of its powers!



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robo3456:轉錄至看板 YUGIOH

05/09 09:14

dukemon05/09 09:16冰結界會出那個丟手牌的嗎XD

dukemon05/09 09:16轉生炎獸就那隻兔子超級泛用

chadmu05/09 09:17炎獸...都十年前的爛卡了,還打得進一線?

SHCAFE05/09 09:17炎獸除了獨角兔外有哪張泛用卡嗎

chadmu05/09 09:17幹是轉生炎獸不是陽炎獸

lion0112305/09 09:18炎獸本來就不強了 結果MD沒抽碼更慘

gino86102705/09 09:18融合 連結 同步 各種額外召喚都給一副預組吧

gx992605/09 09:19融合跟LINK終於也有預組了

torrot05/09 09:19L不給閃刀 太狠了太狠了

SHCAFE05/09 09:22是說MD怎麼沒抽碼 不是跟未來龍皇同一梯的嗎?

koexe05/09 09:23龍女僕預組會有小藍嗎

torrot05/09 09:24就真的沒有抽碼 md有些卡的順序怪怪的

arcanite05/09 09:33轉生炎獸還有氣嗎...打到現在沒遇過

th12305/09 09:38轉生炎獸當初不是上過賽場 後來怎麼下去的啊

dave989805/09 09:38聽說是TCG沒有的卡還不能出,所以抽碼要等吧

willytp9712105/09 09:43…我為了抽滿龍女僕花了不少石的說

jwind305/09 09:45什麼上過賽場 是2019冠亞軍都是炎獸

hank1324105/09 09:50冰結界怎麼有辦法跟另外兩個混在一起?

a4316491005/09 09:51怎麼一下十幾年前爛卡 一下2019冠亞 推文搞得我好亂==

th12305/09 09:53十年前說的是陽炎獸 不是轉生炎獸吧

ts199305/09 09:58有啊金牌遇過

max61019605/09 10:01轉生炎獸冠軍很大一部分是世界賽禁卡表的原因,當時在

max61019605/09 10:01OCG就不怎麼強勢

FrogStar05/09 10:01靠夭 我龍女僕花了1萬石欸

nightfish05/09 10:13變成預組是不是不能拆又沒有退費,虧大了

D2Diyus05/09 10:14就先拆阿

alpho05/09 10:14我龍女僕也抽完了 可以別的嗎 比如Hero

ayubabbit05/09 10:14原本的可以拆阿

D2Diyus05/09 10:14反正等官方公告有要出再拆就好

BSpowerx05/09 10:16可以拆,預組的卡和抽到的卡會分開來,才剛抽到誠實拆了

D2Diyus05/09 10:30可是合的跟預組的好像會混在一起不能拆(?

Dirgo05/09 10:33應該一開始就設計好了,鑽抽的可以拆,其他的不能拆.

jpg3141592605/09 10:34可以出龍女僕卡背嗎?

Dirgo05/09 10:38以灰流來說我是合三張才知道有包能拿的,補買以後可以拆3.

Yan23905/09 10:57我龍女僕也抽很多石

henry123456205/09 11:01只有預組給的那些數量不能拆

henry123456205/09 11:02你自己弄出來的都可以拆

chuegou05/09 12:49我有幾張N卡已經5張了 不能拆讓我渾身不對勁

edgefish0205/09 13:12本來是用抽的數量就可以拆 預組的拆不掉