[情報] 2023/11/03ꀠDaily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期五 11月 3
We all have different strengths. You probably have some wonderful talents that other people that you know do not have. And yet they may possess skills and gifts that you do not have. We are meant to work together much of the time, each lending our own abilities to things that we cannot do alone. If you feel you need help with a current big project, don't lament that you can't be as independent as you hoped you could be. Enjoy the process of collaboration. You might come up with something fabulous with just a little bit of help.ꀊ
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/24貓咪可以毫無顧忌地沿著樓梯扶手或窗台行走。這並不是因為它們對自己的能力有多”自 信”。更可能是因為它們天生就有著某些能力,而平衡與敏捷是它們擁有的自然天賦之一 。它們不需要去思考這些,因為這是與生俱來的本能。但人類有時會傾向於過度思考問題 。你現在可能過度思考著一些事,阿牛。你可能會擔心自己無法勝任一個工作或演講,但 你有著與生俱來的天賦。今天要認知到這點,如果你不想太多,讓它自然流露,就會變得6
[情報] 12/7-12/13 Daily Horoscope 週運Capricorn horoscope for Dec 7 - Dec 13 2020 You can be a bit serious at times, Capricorn, but you also know how to have fun. However, you do sometimes find yourself in a rut of worry when things aren't going as planned or hoped for in certain areas of your life - most likely with ventures that involve making money or building security. In6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/11一個你想實現的大夢想看起來可能像是海市蜃樓。你能看見它在你面前逗留,似乎在引誘 或挑逗你。但每次,哪怕只是靠近一點點,成功的可能性看起來都會消失。這是因為這個 可能性故意躲著你嗎?當然不是,阿牛!你值得擁有想要的東西,如果繼續為之努力的話 ,你肯定能夠獲得的。試著去享受追逐的過程,就像你即將享受征服的過程那般。一旦走 到那一步,你就會到達你的目的地。4
[情報] 04/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 16 2022 當你無法有效率地一次完成很多事時, 會覺得自己在浪費時間, 這常常使你感到緊張和壓力, 還有情緒與身體上的焦慮。4
[情報] 10/06 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 06 2022 當你將待辦事項上的項目移除會感到有很大的成就感, 但同時清單上有很多事情要做代表你沒有適當地享受此時此刻。 這常常是你的兩難, 但如果你下點功夫,3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/09這個世界是由有著廣泛才能的人所組成的。雖然在我們當中有少數人有著多種領域的天賦 ,但大多數人都是在少數幾個特定的領域中有著很強的能力。例如你可能在數學方面很出 色,但卻不是那麼擅長縫紉,阿牛。或者比起分析能力,你可能更有創造力。你明白這點 ,但認識到自己在某方面有多優秀是非常重要的。專注在你與生俱來的天賦,不要去哀嘆 那些你沒有的,充分使用自己的天賦吧。這個提醒對即將到來的機會來說相當重要。3
[情報] 03/23 the daily horoscopeIf someone tells you or implies that you don't have the skill, talent, experie nce, or knowledge to contribute to a project you want to be a part of, get inv olved anyway. No one can judge what you have to offer but you, dear Gemini. An yone who tries may be ignorant, or perhaps may have an axe to grind, or may si mply be jealous. You may be able to make a very big difference today if you ha2
[情報] 12/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 18 2020 Sometimes, Capricorn, recognizing the talents of other people is an important talent in itself. You may find yourself in a role soon that requires certain elements, and this means that you will have to get certain things done. However, you may not feel that you have the skills or the natural ability to- You pride yourself on being good at many things, Gemini. Because you are so di verse in your talents and skills, you are so much more flexible in what you ta ke on than other people. But even you - the ever-present Gemini, can't do ever ything. There are times when you must admit to yourself that there is someone out there who might be better suited for some aspect of a project or a task yo
- You may be focusing on some talent or skill you wish you had, while overlookin g the many gifts that you have been given. And right now, Gemini, you could pu t one of those wonderful gifts to good use. Even though you may be seeking out help or a favor from someone else to accomplish something important, you need to recognize that you are fully capable of getting this done on your own. You