[情報] 01/02~07/02/2021 Weekly Horoscope
You are so sweetly empathic, dear Moonchild, that you sometimes confuse
the emotions of others with your own. You easily pick up vibrations, both
happy and sad, and really every degree in between. You feel the pain, the
joy, the confusion and other feelings of others. It can be very hard to
ground yourself and figure out what it is that you feel. This week, you
may face that challenge. There could be a highly emotionally-charged issue
happening in your life. Making the best choices related to it will carve
out your path to the future and will determine how you fulfill something
you are meant to do. This may mean taking enough alone time to separate
your feelings from those of other people who surround you. Do what you
have to do - even if it means hibernating for a bit. You may feel very
concerned about someone you love this week. They may be on the verge of
making a big decision. Your protective instincts may be very sharp right
now, especially if this is a younger person that you see as somewhat naïve
or vulnerable. But your lesson to teach here is about independence, not
dependency on the wisdom of others. Allow this person to spread their
wings and fly on their own.
最近受不了自己的不表示被當作體貼默允 ,好煩
[情報] 04/08 Daily HoroscopeDespite the bravado and confidence you exude, Leo, you also have an extremely sensitive side. You are empathic toward those who are hurting, and if they are special to you, you feel their pain as your own. And the good news is that it works the other way too. Your exuberance, love, warmth, and joyful demeanor c an infuse others with those feelings. If you are concerned about someone in yo8
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 01/16-01/22追求一個目標或承擔一項你覺得不那麼安全的計劃可能將會是個美妙的經歷。它能挑戰你 、激勵你、建立你的信心並為你創造一個情況使你遇見有趣的人。即便你可能不覺得自己 能夠令人欽佩地處理這個問題(尤其是因為這個原因),你還是需要去承擔,親愛的阿牛 。在這週開始行動吧。蒐集你所需要的東西,包括指導和支援相關的資源與相關人士,然 後開始行動。一場嚴重的衝突,可能是分道揚鑣,也許是前陣子的分歧造成的。這件事可5
[情報] 14/06~20/06/2021 Weekly HoroscopeYou may feel as though you are at an impasse as this week begins, Moonchild. Y our emotions may be a blend of frustration, anger, confusion, and maybe a litt le bit of hope. It is as if you can't move forward because you aren't sure whe re to go, and the things you have already tried haven't gotten you anywhere. B ut in the days ahead, you should experience a spiritual new beginning. All of4
[情報] 27/09~03/10/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 9月 27 - 10月 3 你是如此的給予和培養,如此專注於生命中你所愛和珍惜的人,以至於你經常認認為自己 做任何事情都是自私的。 不過本週,你需要像對待他人一樣對待自己和善待自己。 你可能會感到有點急躁、害怕,甚至有點走投無路,因為你承受著很大的壓力。3
[情報] 18/04/2022~24/04/2022 Weekly Horoscope我們都喜歡相信,如果某件事情是 『命中註定 』的,那麼無論如何都會發生。 但親愛的月之子,這不一定是真的。 宇宙可能會把某些事情放在我們的道路上,但我們都仍然有自由意志和選擇的權利。 如果一個機會被錯過,它可能會也可能不會再次出現。 親愛的月之子,請把這週看作是你的幸運週。2
[情報] 17/01/2022~23/01/2022 Weekly Horoscope你有大的夢想,你也被其他有大夢想的人所吸引。 你喜歡那種創造力,月之子-那種能讓人以一種方式設想未來的創造力,使他們感到有激 情去爭取什麼。 本週,你可能發現自己對與你分享夢想的人感到迷戀。 無論這只是因為你喜歡他們的能量和想法,還是因為也有一種浪漫的吸引力,你都需要慢1
[情報] 24/06/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 6月 24 You have deep feelings for someone in your life, but they may not be picking t hat up. Perhaps you have been guarded in expressing what you feel out of fear of being vulnerable, but by withholding your true feelings, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. If you suspect that someone might need to kno1
[情報] 08/07/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 7月 8 You are well known for your empathy, Moonchild. You can pick up the emotions o ther people are feeling, even if you don't know them well. And when you do, yo u feel those emotions too. It is both a blessing and a curse. But now someone may not understand how deeply empathic you are, and they may think you don't u1
[情報] 25/07~01/08/2021 Weekly HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 7月 26 - 8月 1 Communication is a strong theme for you this week, Moonchild. Although you are very expressive in certain ways - perhaps through music, art, or writing - yo u sometimes struggle with personal interactions. That may be because you don't like feeling vulnerable, so you crawl into your shell or become tough when ce1
[情報] 15/11~21/11/2021 Weekly Horoscope親愛的月之子,你是一個有時會很情緒化的星座。 這一點毫無疑問。 但是有時候,家人或善意的朋友會告訴你,你可以控制自己的情緒,但你真的做到了嗎? 在本週開始時,你可能會強烈感覺到你的情緒在帶著你走,而不是你在控制你的情緒,但 這沒關係。