[情報] 04/03/2021 Daily Horoscope
When you think too often and too deeply about something that isn't going
right in your life, it can permeate into other areas of your life. And
when that happens, your whole world might begin to feel darker and less
hopeful. If you have been dwelling on something that upset you a lot
recently, dear Moonchild, try to move on from it and focus on starting
something new that does bring you hope. Dwelling on it won't help anyway,
and it could actually hurt you - and if there's nothing you can do about
it anyway right now, it's pointless. Focus on the bright spot ahead of you
instead! Something that's worth dreaming about.
[情報] 06/30 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 30 2022 你對生命中的某人正在做的事是為什麼?親愛的魔魔, 你已經比公認為常規的狀態做了更多, 而你還持續在嘗試。 事實上,你生命中的其他人會注意到你對某個人的極端奉獻,6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/24這是個提醒,阿牛。不要太拘泥在一個問題上,以至於你把自己塞進了無望的感覺中。其 實有條出路,但也許你忘了。如果你一直想著什麼是錯的,那會讓它看起來更糟糕。如果 只專注在這個問題可能帶來的負面因素,你會讓它比生命更重要,你就會給它力量。你是 負責任的。與其糾纏在可能出錯的地方,不如開始思考解決方案。 ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/11或許你正在質疑某件自己曾在過去一兩個月內同意過的事。但現在它正在進行中,可能也 沒有退路了。如果你退縮了,那可能會傷害到某人的情感,或使某人處在一個不利的位置 。如果你確定了這件事,那你就已作出正確選擇了,阿牛。你只需要找到一個方法把你正 要做的事當成是一種好處。那件事可能會給你機會使你的心情好一點。它可能在許多方面 都是相當正面的經驗。專注在類似的想法上吧。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/25當兩個人對於他們都覺得很重要的事有非常兩極的意見時,要去看到對方值得參考的見解是非常困難的,更何況要他們雙方去妥協呢?不過,在日常生活中卻常常發生這樣的情形。所以,如果現在這正在困擾著你,去把它解決是很好的,寶貝阿牛。你生活中的某人很可能極力反對著你所相信的某件事。你也許完全無法理解為何他們要這樣,但是試著與之和諧共處是很重要的。請不要鑽牛角尖在你們的差別上。如果你能成功地忽略那些差別,那麼你的眼前會是無憂無愁的一天。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jun 25 When two people have polar opposite opinions on something that they both see as important, it can be very difficult to see the merit in the other's point of view, and it may be even harder to compromise with them. This happens a lot in life, though, so it is a good thing to work on if that is a problem for you now, dear Taurus. Someone in your life may be directly oppositional to something you believe in. You may never understand where they are coming from, but getting along is of primary importance. Just don't dwell on your differences. A carefree day is ahead of you if you can successfully ignore that. --1
[情報] 09/19 the daily horoscopeIt may seem as though all hope is lost with something you have been looking fo rward to. It isn't the end of the world, of course, dear Gemini, but it could be quite disappointing. You may even be chastising yourself for being upset ov er it, but there is no reason to do that - we all deserve joy in this life. So don't give up. Sometimes at the eleventh hour, good fortune calls upon us, an1
[情報] 03/02 the daily horoscopeSomething in your life that did not make sense is starting to become clearer. You may not even realize it yet, Gemini, but a relationship is beginning to co me into focus. Something that was said or done clicked with you somehow, and w hile it may not yet fully add up, pay attention to what you are noticing. Soon , other nuggets of truth will become obvious. Once there are a few pieces to s1
[情報] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/07親愛的月之子,你打算怎麼度過你的這一天呢?這似乎是個常常在隨意閒聊中出現的輕鬆 問題。但它現在對你有更勝於閒聊的重大意義。去堅定、充滿信念的計畫你的一天,解決 對你來說緊迫且重要的事。 當你能尤為困難的堅持,帶著激情、熱忱和過上你夢想生活的意念去實行。以這種方式開 始的每一天,都將對你的幸福和成功帶來富有意義的影響。1
[情報] 09/09 the daily horoscopeSomeone newer in your life may have upset you or hurt your feelings recently, dear Gemini. Even so, you may want to understand why and continue to interact with that individual. That's a wise thing to do. If you can figure out why you were treated in a way you think was not appropriate, you may learn more about both yourself and the other people involved. There is also the possibility th- 巨蟹座4月18日星期二的星座運勢 親愛的月之子,你現在可能會感到感傷,腦海中浮現出許多令人難以忘懷的回憶。 你可能渴望過往更美好的時光,因為此時此刻的生活中並沒有令人溫馨舒適的部分。 你可能會懷念過去的人或經歷,但這會影響你現在的一切。 請試著想想現在對你非常特別的事物,意識到這些事物 - 包括某些人 - 也帶給你同樣的