[情報] 12/06/2021Daily Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 12/06/2021Daily Horoscope作者
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Cancer horoscope for 星期六 6月 12

Cancer horoscope for 星期六 6月 12
You may feel the need to explain why a goal you set out to achieve long ago has either been stalled or is moving so slow its progress is indiscernible. Maybe someone has asked you about it, Moonchild, or maybe you just feel the need to validate a dream to yourself and to others. But progress is progress, no matter how fast it moves. And while the pace does not please you, you are movingforward. Soon, though, you may finally catch up to where you feel you should be. Keep plugging away. Everything happens in its appropriate time, but you have to stay in the game.




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imyung06/12 11:23謝謝翻譯