[情報] 2021/12 Monthly Horoscope
It would certainly be very pleasant at the start of this month to relieve some tension by indulging in your favorite creative projects, shopping for holiday presents, planning a menu for a party you hope to have, or just about anything other than what you know you need to do. You will be able to do all of those things and more, of course, but you know that there is a pressing business that needs your attention. If you handle that at the start of December, Moonchild, just think - the rest of the month can then be pleasant and carefree. Tryto make that a priority. After that, there should be many wonderful moments throughout this month to visit with your favorite people, engage in interestingexcursions that stimulate your intellect, do all the entertaining you wish todo, and so much more. You may discover a new favorite haunt this month while out shopping or doing errands, so be sure to make a date with your significantother or some other favorite person in the near future. You could receive communication from someone who wants to invest in your talent, whether that talent is in a creative field or more of a business-related ability. Aligning with this individual now could bring in profits in the future, and could open up a whole new network of exciting people.
[情報] Daily Horoscope 魔羯座7月運勢你願意為了什麼而拋頭顱灑熱血呢,魔兒?應該不少事情是讓你感到樂在其中又有熱情的吧?不過,大部分的時候,你傾向去工作一整天都不玩樂。如果有事情要去負責,想當然爾,你會堅持要去優先把他們放在第一,然後就失去可以去做自己真正想做的事的時間了。雖然當個負責任的人是很重要,你的人格也是要好好發展呀。這個月,安插一些屬於自己的時間在你的行事曆上,而且這不只是暫時的。開始內化它,把它變成一種習慣來滋養你自己,放縱一下自己去做你最喜歡的事情,讓你整體而言的身心靈慢慢茁壯強化。這是你人生重要的新的階段裡嶄新的開始,在這裡你 開始能感覺完整,感覺自在,感覺終於能一直當著最喜歡的自己。 在你發現了自己跟不是很相干的人有著共同目標或興趣時,在日常對話中也許能導向有前景的機會。保持耐心跟毅力來挖掘這個人與人之間的連結裡的潛在可能。這可以對於你的個人進化來說非常重要。 Capricorn horoscope for July What do you love to do the most, Capricorn? Perhaps there is more than one thing you enjoy and feel passionate about. You are inclined to be all work and no play, though, much of the time. If there are obligations to be fulfilled - and of course there always are - you insist on addressing those first, and then there isn't time to do what you really wanted to do. Although it is important to be responsible, you must also fulfill yourself personally. This month, it is important to incorporate some me-time5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/19你即將參與一個能讓你的未來更加光明的某件事裡。阿牛,你唯一的問題可能是這將會需 要某種投資,可能是財務或時間等資源的投資。如果你試著把這當成是對你自己的投資, 那麼他將是一個相當容易做出的決定。你現在所做的能夠幫助自己建立一個更強大、安全 且愉快的未來。 ——4
[情報] 07/05/2022 Daily Horoscope你很可能很快就會有機會與一個有巨大影響力的人建立友誼。 這可能會成為與一個有權力地位的人的非常密切的聯繫,他實際上可以幫助你最終實現某 個夢想。 關鍵是首先要認識到這個人,然後要自由和開放地說出你是誰。 月之子,說出你的心聲,敢於發揮你的創造力,展現你的激情-他們會理解並有同樣的感3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/29不要因為拘泥於形式而致使你不跟那不太熟悉的人分享重要的東西。如果你覺得這個人能 夠以某種正面的方式參與你的生活,或能幫助你跟那些能夠助你一臂之力的人產生連結, 那你需要為了這種可能性抱持開放態度。你應該會發現將會受到熱烈歡迎,這個人可能會 是個很好的人選,無論是友誼或是商業關係中。阿牛,不需要感到害羞。 ——