[情報] 23/01/2022 Daily Horoscope
Trying too hard is sometimes worse than not trying enough. The person who doesn't try hard enough may not be all that invested in whatever they're pursuing, and that lackadaisical air can sometimes help. Someone who tries too hard, though, works up an intensity that can include restlessness and fear of failure, which sometimes pushes what they want away. There is a fine balance today, Moonchild. Try just assuming the universe has something special for you in mind, and it will come to you when the time is right - and take it from there.
[情報] 02/21 Daily HoroscopeUnanswered prayers or requests to the universe are often a blessing. Sometimes you can feel very certain that you know what you want and what is right for y ou. You can pour your heart and soul into something, though, only to discover that it was not the best thing for you after all. When the universe intervenes and stops you, it can be upsetting - but later on, you may discover that a so7
[情報] 12/16(三)DailyHoroscope當我們面臨極度的失望、失敗、或是阻止我們在道路上前進的難關,我們可能會開始問天為何會發生這一切。然而有時候答案並不在此。獅子們,當事情發生時,它就是會讓人感到迷失、絕望、不再相信一切。當事情莫名地掙脫我們的掌控時,總讓人覺得不可置信。不過今天你收到的訊息會幫助你感到安心。完整的答案就要到來。對即將席捲你生活的好消息及好的能量抱持開放的心吧。 ------------ 原文: When we face a big disappointment, a loss, or a challenge that stops us in our tracks, we may begin to question why it is happening. But sometimes the answer isn't there. When that happens, Leo, it can make a person feel lost, hopeless, and faithless. It's hard to believe in something when it is ripped from our grasp inexplicably. But today information that comes to you will help ease your mind. The full answer is on its way. Be open to the good news and the good energy that begins to course through your life.5
[情報] 27/04/2020 Daily HoroscopeIf something you want very much - especially something you have worked hard for - does not come in the order or the timeframe you prefer, does that make it any less valuable? Of course not, Cancer. In fact, the waiting can be quite lovely and beneficial as you expect something that you earned to head your way. If something you have dreamt of and worked5
[情報] 1/31 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 31 2021 There are many people who would come upon an obstacle in the road and would believe that their quest was not meant to be, and they would quickly give up. Or they would think that getting around that obstacle would prove to be too challenging, and they would turn around. But when you come up against a5
[情報] 07/26 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 26 2022 在你生命中的某個人非常努力想要跟你相處, 他們可能做了感覺上所有對的事, 但你們兩個還是與彼此非常不同, 所以你們感受和做事情的方法自然會有一些差異。