[情報] 15/04/2022 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期五 4月 15
Blame and forgiveness could be seen as opposite sides of the same coin. But when blame occurs to someone who has been wrong or who has witnessed a mistake that affected them, they can consider it wisely and offer up forgiveness. We all have our frailties and we all make mistakes. You are especially conscious of being a good human being, dear Cancer, and you often blame yourself even when you shouldn't. Today, if you are affected by what someone else has done, tryreaching for forgiveness instead of blame. It will also help you to forgive yourself when such a need arises.ꀊ
[情報] 12/10 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 10 2020 Has someone been pointing out mistakes you have made - especially the mistakes that you are most regretful about? It's never nice to think of things you may have done wrong that have come back to haunt you. And when someone keeps bringing up those mistakes, it sets you off to wondering what7
[情報] 20/06/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be able to easily extricate yourself from an undesirable situation. You have the class and the finesse to do so in a likable way, Cancer. Even so, you might be wise to consider accepting the assistance of someone who wants to help - not because you need it, but because it could lead to something unexpected that is completely unrelated, and also completely7
[情報] 10/08 Daily HoroscopeYou can be hard on yourself when things are not perfect. Sometimes, Capricorn, you assume the role of making things perfect, and when it doesn't happen that way, you blame yourself - even when you are trying to make things perfect for someone else. Although you can have a great deal of control over things when you plan and work hard, the universe can also intervene. You6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/14Taurus horoscope for 星期五 8月 14 很久以前,你就是你犯的某些錯誤的法官和陪審團。你可能仍在責怪自己,儘管你可能還沒意識到,牛牛——你還在懲罰自己。你可能是因為潛意識否認自己應得的東西才會這樣。 但你已經為了那個錯誤付出懺悔,你應該自由地去接受一些好的且正向的東西來到你的生命中。不過,如果你覺得你不該獲得這些,那(好事)就不會發生。你真的需要改變你的觀點。 ----- Taurus horoscope for 星期五 8月 146
[情報] 22/03/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能對一項新的工作感到擔憂。你甚至可能感到緊張,因為指派這項工作的人或指導你 的人對這項工作百分百樂觀。 你擔心會有問題,而且他們可能高估了你的能力。 但親愛的月之子,與其採取如此嚴厲的立場,不如試著捕捉對方的熱情。 試著對你正在做的事情感到有趣。5
[情報] 07/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期二 9月 7 When someone you know is facing a tough challenge, it is easy to say, "everyth ing will be okay." We often say this to loved ones who are experiencing a stru ggle - even though you may not be facing that challenge yourself, and even tho ugh sitting on the sidelines comes with a great sense of security. But believe4
[情報] 07/05/2022 Daily Horoscope你很可能很快就會有機會與一個有巨大影響力的人建立友誼。 這可能會成為與一個有權力地位的人的非常密切的聯繫,他實際上可以幫助你最終實現某 個夢想。 關鍵是首先要認識到這個人,然後要自由和開放地說出你是誰。 月之子,說出你的心聲,敢於發揮你的創造力,展現你的激情-他們會理解並有同樣的感