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時間推噓78 推:79 噓:1 →:17

花了一些時間好不容易把Brooklyn Nine-Nine追到一個段落


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hisashi05/29 17:34good place

furano05/29 17:39Crashing

sturmpionier05/29 17:42紅衫殭屍軍

ruby8019705/29 17:42The office

RainFly05/29 17:46Community

themis120805/29 17:48TBBT/community/2 broke girls

geken05/29 17:49只看標題差點推B99 改推費城永遠陽光燦爛

oplz05/29 17:53Friends

kevin78110905/29 17:54小鎮滋味

kevin78110905/29 17:54好萊塢教父

kevin78110905/29 17:55Upload

oneeee05/29 18:01大推tbbt !!

lillard556605/29 18:10community

kart2767605/29 18:12Modern Family!

pineapple82405/29 18:29吃血腥的話小鎮滋味

tina02032105/29 18:39The big bang theory!!!!!還有Modern family

isayhousayya05/29 19:03異類

allnight05/29 19:13The Office

Gauss05/29 19:25The Office

diablo405/29 19:26The Office 神劇

diablo405/29 19:27How I Met Your Mother

goldseed05/29 19:33明日傳奇第二季之後

kotoyan05/29 19:34小鎮滋味

fup645605/29 19:42美式主婦 追到第三季就好

FederalSoul05/29 19:50性愛自修室、親密束縛

Allen109605/29 20:14絕對是踏實新人生!!!! one day at a time

a1357943005/29 20:31IT Crowd

pureluck05/29 20:35park and recreation

cj6u4005/29 20:38Mom

justmine9905/29 20:42the marvelous mrs maiden

justmine9905/29 20:42*maisel

callitoff05/29 20:43himym 2bg

milie05/29 21:04Psych

hcwang112605/29 21:05太空部隊

eipduolc05/29 21:11Community

shelfs05/29 21:22太空部隊

purin093293205/29 21:48Will & Grace 超好笑!

lspssjk0005/29 21:51One day at a time & How I met your mother

Lemming05/29 22:04what we do in the shadows

josephv05/29 22:11Fleabag , killing eve

maoluffy05/29 22:16IT Crowd, 然後大推Community

x77877905/29 22:25Will & Grace 可能我也gay的關係看得超開心

b745320005/29 23:07社區大學 前三季

sellgd05/29 23:313rd rock from the sun前幾季 現在還是找得到1080p

sellgd05/29 23:32John Lithgow 應該是提名6次 獲獎3次

sellgd05/29 23:35Joseph Gordon-Levitt

ylc9910505/29 23:47Friends

zonbytai05/30 00:31superstore,角色超荒謬超好笑XD

zonbytai05/30 00:32parks and recreation也大推

zonbytai05/30 00:32英劇Friday Night Dinner也好看

heosdskys05/30 00:53Community! 廢柴聯盟

wingdeniel05/30 01:32IT狂人 威爾與葛蕾絲

jajoy05/30 01:51Modern Family

shu4013205/30 01:56Trailer park boys

chiahaon05/30 02:59小鎮滋味

cursedoll05/30 03:09週五剛上的太空部隊Space Force,非常幽默又溫馨

netjedi05/30 03:46矽谷群瞎傳

abu011205/30 06:50how I met your mother

s880089200005/30 07:22網飛出的太空部隊

nayeonmywife05/30 08:24The Walking Dead

dickman12105/30 08:52Community

monch05/30 10:002 BROKE GIRLS!!

omepy05/30 10:21izombie 殭屍兼美食節目

eunhae110105/30 10:40tbbt

berrylicious05/30 10:58Mythic Quest

kartess05/30 11:48communiyu

ansB05/30 13:44odd mom out 大推!!

ansB05/30 13:46OMO女主角就是編劇即是寫書作者本人,每集都好看幽默喜歡得

ansB05/30 13:46要命,第一季神

papabearche05/30 15:14我跟朋友很愛99但 IT都不愛QQ

EulerFormula05/30 19:18Community!

DoSvidaniya05/30 21:26New Girl

celtics199705/30 21:35Atypical

coldplay062005/30 23:09TBBT

dolge05/31 00:12Community 第二季後完全看不下去

sellgd05/31 00:23OMO和Crazy-EX 都有很多歌舞

vivaquall05/31 00:29太空部隊~~

naoiki05/31 02:47good place 真的好看

daye201205/31 03:15Rick and morty

leogogo05/31 04:08community 大推

Timberlake05/31 12:16廢柴聯盟

imsunny05/31 14:58modern family

HoodiePotato05/31 15:19How I met your mother 還有Big bang theory

coldwin05/31 17:272 broke girls 破產姊妹!

dollyann05/31 19:04himym tbbt modern family

Rosekaresa05/31 20:34TBBT唯一解 每集都能無腦看又輕鬆有趣

hyw23579856305/31 22:24the office美版!!!

allenthai06/01 13:12Never have i ever

CAVLBJ06/01 14:06the Big Bang theory

zxcv432106/01 17:52tbbt

ha87878706/03 14:20摩登家庭有10季我已經看第三次了給你參考

cecilia82406/03 15:48Space Force , Cloud 9

nostar06/08 11:49Mom

avonT06/12 22:49Workin’ moms/ The letdown/ Good girls

cinemax1006/23 14:54Mom ,摩登家庭

icehao06/25 17:49六人行 超好看又好笑

plokmn06/30 00:41最近喜歡70年代秀 好好笑