[討論] Apple TV+《基地》9.24上線

看板EAseries標題[討論] Apple TV+《基地》9.24上線作者
時間推噓16 推:16 噓:0 →:7

The Galactic Empire has brought peace to thousands of worlds, but the beliefs of one man now threaten their very existence. Foundation premieres September 24, only on Apple TV+

Based on the award-winning novels by Isaac Asimov, Foundation chronicles a bandof exiles on their monumental journey to save humanity and rebuild civilizationamid the fall of the Galactic Empire.

Foundation stars SAG Award winner and Emmy Award nominee Jared Harris as Dr. Hari Seldon; Emmy Award nominee Lee Pace as Brother Day; Lou Llobell as Gaal Dornick; Leah Harvey as Salvor Hardin; Laura Birn as Demerzel; Terrence Mann as Brother Dusk; Cassian Bilton as Brother Dawn; and Alfred Enoch as Raych.

Led by showrunner and executive producer David S. Goyer, Foundation is producedfor Apple by Skydance Television with Robyn Asimov, Josh Friedman, Cameron Welsh, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Marcy Ross also serving as executive producers.


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kobe58110506/28 23:36預告好像有置入sjw劇情

vdml06/29 00:56拜託不要亂改編

Obama1906/29 01:467/28免費試用到期 不知道會不會又延長

Formsan06/29 02:01期待

jason74806/29 04:17編劇又是大衛高耶.....

SharkHOT06/29 08:44這部要拍片真的有難度,時間橫跨超大...選角會很麻煩吧

BF109Pilot06/29 10:43基地原本的三部曲小說幾近完美,結果作者自己又

BF109Pilot06/29 10:43畫蛇添足了補了四跟五,不好看先不說,還把原三部曲

BF109Pilot06/29 10:44的設定一起毀了,真不想承認後傳XDDD

coolliu06/29 10:45天啊天啊超期待!

Adama06/29 11:06想看Dors!! 但沒登場的樣子

ldstar06/29 11:06書迷不期不待

freeblade06/29 11:18能有一天看到鋼穴 裸陽也拍成嗎?最後終於圓滿基地宇宙

max520906/29 15:00太神了吧 真的要上了XD

ciphero06/29 15:21這部應該要大幅改編,純照原著演會乾到不行

joiedevivre06/29 15:53小說超好看 影集還是不敢太期待

peter08080806/29 16:06地球三部曲比較適合改編 基地系列文戲太雜了

forsaken06/29 19:22超期待 很喜歡小說

josephv06/29 21:27感覺很猛欸期待

Nikon199206/29 22:25免費一年多的TV+剩一個月直接退訂,期間只看過德黑蘭

shawncarter06/30 11:49蠻期待的 我是書迷

richardmcho07/01 18:41同樓上B大,三部曲後面的小說太讓我失望了

amaranth556609/27 10:24還是看小說比較好