[閒聊] 官方解說Alex Jacques在Lec衝線前的金句

看板FORMULA1標題[閒聊] 官方解說Alex Jacques在Lec衝線前的金句作者
時間推噓29 推:29 噓:0 →:19

His career was finished without the intervention of the late Jules Bianchi,
who said to Ferrari, "You've got to take this guy, you've got to make sure hegets to Formula 1." And what a gift that was given.

In 2017, Charles Leclerc lost his father, and in his final days, he told his
father a white lie: that he'd made it to Formula 1; that he'd signed the

It wasn't true then, but his driving has made it true now, and look what he'sdone with the opportunity.

The grandstands he saw built as a kid growing up now rise for him, and for
the first time in 93 years, this fabled race is won by one of their own.

Charles Leclerc win the Monaco grand prix to achieve his dream! Victory in hishome race! Well done Charles Leclerc! It's mission accomplished, destiny

You've got that one forever!!




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PONANZA05/27 16:48QQ

wtsph05/27 16:48這篇會考

lilinnnnnn05/27 16:55洋蔥

LIEN202105/27 17:23哭爛

yanzistart05/27 17:24可惜不能看到他跟Jules一起開法拉利 QQ

edmond18005/27 17:34

edmond18005/27 17:34附上這段的影片

aron1511605/27 17:40主播好神啊 完美口氣 講這段真感人

NolanArenado05/27 17:58F1TV這週一堆金句,還有一個關於嗨賴的也很神

cjwu1102505/27 18:12版上還是蠻多一樣是Jules粉轉寄生在Alec身上的吧

cjwu1102505/27 18:13*Lec

ff76072505/27 18:30反正Lec就是最大的Jules粉,不用分這麼清楚

kakashi7105/27 19:09這篇真的要背起來了

leglerg05/27 19:19爸爸一定有看到QQ

hunnie9405/27 19:47哭爆QQ

s1210847805/27 19:49確實有麥帥為子祈禱文的感覺,可能挺適合當課文的

Histia05/27 19:56爸爸跟教父都在天上看著,樂樂他做到了!

Shiro051905/27 22:05抄下來裱框,代代相傳

magicchase05/27 22:16

magicchase05/27 22:16夢想成真,非常感人

memo0815022705/27 22:26哭爛

OSDim05/27 23:40QQ

chauncey81705/28 00:07淚推

Kowdan05/28 06:47QQ

kim199805/28 08:16感人

blazers0805/28 08:53淚推

justpopcorn05/28 09:33我雖然不是什麼鐵佛獅,但我聽到這段文字還是哭了

FATDUDU05/28 09:53哭爆

aron1511605/28 11:00原來Halo的發明是因為Jules Bianchi意外而生

aron1511605/28 11:02而Halo也救了樂樂一命,真的是冥冥之中有神力在支撐樂

Vincent802605/28 11:03其實不太算,還要再往前算幾年

Vincent802605/28 11:03次級的方程式也有車手被打到頭過世

Vincent802605/28 11:05只是沒有他的意外,肯定還會更晚才裝上F1

rattrapante05/28 12:09再怎麼感人勵志

rattrapante05/28 12:09明年也是得幫ham總提鞋☺


dorothy120705/28 12:14樓上這種留言在這樣的文章下真的很沒必要==

※ 編輯: ff760725 ( 臺灣), 05/28/2024 13:00:52

monkeyhurler05/28 13:43題外話 要是沒有Halo 34樓你家小黑頭可能被Max敲下

monkeyhurler05/28 13:43來了

rattrapante05/28 14:01奇怪 我也沒有否認halo的重要性啊

rattrapante05/28 14:01笑死

rattrapante05/28 14:04明年小紅馬一哥是誰 這也不是秘密了

rattrapante05/28 14:04點出事實而已還要向板主告狀喔?

rattrapante05/28 14:04呵呵

dorothy120705/28 14:16這篇文章跟明年誰是法拉利一哥有任何關係嗎

dorothy120705/28 14:16跟你家漢總也沒有關係 不要來破壞氣氛==

Notif52005/28 14:56這篇完全跟老漢沒有關係 提老漢是怎樣 而且明年誰是窩

Notif52005/28 14:56法一哥很重要嗎?

Rain102573005/28 17:59推分享