[情報] 選秀報告-Brandin Podziemski

看板G-S-WARRIORS標題[情報] 選秀報告-Brandin Podziemski作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:47

NBA Comparison: Matthew Dellavedova

6-5, 205lb PG/SG
Birthday 02/25/03 (20.4 yrs)
Hometown Greenfield, WI
大學: Santa Clara Sophomore
High School St. Johns Northwestern Academies

Notes: Measured 6′ 3.75” barefoot, 8′ 0.5” standing reach, 203.8 lbs and
a 6′ 5.5” wingspan and a 31.5 inch standing vertical and a 39′ inch max
vertical at the 2023 NBA Draft Combine …


Strengths: Combo guard with pure shooting stroke and some intangibles to helpmake up for lack of ideal physical attributes … Head strong combo guard with
excellent shooting ability and polished skills … Very good spot up shooter
with great range and touch … Lefty has an excellent shooting stroke and has
developed into a knock down outside shooter … Considered more of a shooting
guard by most scouts, however he has the vision and passing skills to play
the point, his speed may make it difficult to be more than a rotational lead
guard … Creative passer … Great vision and anticipation … Sees the floor
well and can zip half long passes on a dime effortlessly, setting up
teammates for easy buckets … Has the handle and passing of a lead guard,
just missing the quickness … Mature, intelligent kid who shined after
transferring into the big fish in small pond dynamic at Santa Clara … 8.8
rebounds is a huge number of a guard, showing his willingness to play
physical and ability to track down rebounds … A near 44% three point shooter
(2.5 makes per game) as a sophomore, illustrating his elite shooting ability
… Excellent ball handler. Crafty with use of cross overs and behind the back
dribbles, and utilizes a step back to create space on pulls ups well …
Utilizes the float game well … has a patented Euro step to extend drives …
Crafty at using pump fakes and hesitation moves to get defenders off balance… Good at driving and dishing … Knows how to back down smaller opponents
and use back to the basket post moves to score … Has solid upside if he
lands in the right situation and his speed deficiencies are overcome/masked … Fun to watch, excellent feel for the game …

叉運球和背身運球,並利用後撤步在中距離投籃時創造空間... Utilizes the float
game well...具潛力的歐洲步來完成突破...善於利用假動作和猶豫動作讓防守球員

Weaknesses: Not the fastest or most athletic guard, and does not have the “
look” of an NBA athlete ..Lacks a great first step so defenders can overplay
him and jam his shot openings … Measured a surprising 39 inch max vertical,
however he doesn’t necessarily play overly athletic … Struggled at Illinois
to crack the rotation as a freshman before transferring to Santa Clara where
he had a breakout sophomore season … Detractors will point to the inability
to play in a big conference and question whether competition level is a
factor … Lack of speed tougher to overcome at the guard positions … his
shot is pure, but takes a little while to get off which may make a differenceefficiency wise with NBA athletes closing out on him … Not overly strong or
physical to help make up for speed shortcomings … Despite being 6’3.75〃
barefoot, he lacks length with just a 6′ 5.5” wingspan and only a 8′ 0.5”
standing reach, far below standard for an NBA shooting guard … Some
questions regarding whether he can be a complimentary player and be a star inhis role of a back up at next level … Getting open looks could be a
challenge against quicker NBA defenders … Despite being a pure shooter, shot
below 80% from the FT line over his two college seasons … Some positional
question marks as it’s unclear how well he can operate off the ball and how
much value he brings if he’s not able to be a primary ball handler l …

弱點:不是最快或最具運動能力的後衛,看起來不具備"NBA Level"的外觀...


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※ 編輯: waderu ( 臺灣), 07/13/2023 11:35:17

tonglicomecs07/13 12:00夏聯看下來他無球時會幫隊友擋

kaede071107/13 12:19Pods應該會去G聯盟磨練一下持球

waderu07/13 12:22對2號或3號PG來說很夠了,相較於去年的RR來說算升級吧

kaede071107/13 12:23還有提升終結能力 沒有足夠的終結能力就算很會打無球

kaede071107/13 12:23也不夠好用

ihx0007/13 12:25一直提到速度,除此之外應該是可以啦

tk8876907/13 12:27莫在提RR 去年超莫名的大灑幣操作...

tea4120707/13 12:41勇士真的有時候會莫名買一些很爛的二輪簽

killuaz07/13 13:07沒辦法 之前出一個嘴綠 想賭個2輪刮刮樂很合理

c2793258907/13 13:10勇士的二輪秀從嘴綠之後其實沒有半個穩定輪替等級 大

c2793258907/13 13:10部分都在新秀約跑完後就漸漸淡出聯盟了

c2793258907/13 13:11首輪至少還有魯尼普洱

kaede071107/13 17:22首輪畢竟天賦還是比較高啊

KThompson07/13 17:50他需要的是時間領主拋投,好好練吧

killuaz07/13 18:29JP算是跳選,原本選前估2輪,勇士用28#選

wcc88061607/13 18:44目前應該是DDV 0.2

ja86032507/13 18:59老闆願意出錢買二輪簽賭球員是好事吧 只是上季菜雞太多

ja86032507/13 18:59而已

stephen052207/13 19:07之前換籤選那個塞爾維亞的Alen 也很瞎啊

stephen052207/13 19:07完全不懂在幹嘛…..

cloudyst07/13 19:24PG夠了 下去練練吧

taiwanrules07/13 19:34Podz在夏聯和以前大學角色很不一樣 有點適應不良 以

taiwanrules07/13 19:34前比較像是擋拆持球手 現在的角色類似moody 幾乎是3

taiwanrules07/13 19:34號位了

tailsean07/13 19:58不過看起來是很有腦袋的XD

waderu07/13 20:27去年選RR很OK,只是沒想到傷一年,時間軸上等不了他

waderu07/13 20:28而且本來預期可以練出持球,後來發現持球和控球是兩回事

karmel07/13 20:29Bell二輪操作不錯啦 後續算不可抗力QQ

karmel07/13 20:31這次TJD應該蠻有機會是一波好操作

karmel07/13 20:31畢竟比較不用養

karmel07/13 20:32而且完成度高 能在體系下發揮很棒

karmel07/13 20:34他第一年能當個破產版嘴綠甚至是破產版魯尼這二輪就超成功

karmel07/13 20:34

onionandy07/13 21:45全聯盟是有幾個能穩定輪替的二輪落選秀

c2793258907/13 22:30我不找太久以前的 就從2018開始找還在聯盟的穩定輪替

c2793258907/13 22:30就好了 21年的要談站穩還太早也不放二輪秀:

c2793258907/13 22:30Jevon Carter、Jalen Brunson、Mitchell Robinson、

c2793258907/13 22:30Gary Trent Jr.、Bruce Brown 、De'Anthony Melton、

c2793258907/13 22:30Keita Bates-Diop、Chimezie Metu、Shake Milton、

c2793258907/13 22:30Nicolas Claxton、Cody Martin、Daniel Gafford、

c2793258907/13 22:30Jaylen Nowell、Terance Mann、Jalen McDaniels、

c2793258907/13 22:30Xavier Tillman、Tre Jones 、Isaiah Joe、

c2793258907/13 22:30Kenyon Martin Jr.、Paul Reed 、Herbert Jones、

c2793258907/13 22:30Ayo Dosunmu,落選秀也很多,但時間比較難排序,光熱

c2793258907/13 22:30火出身的我直覺想到就有Gabe、Martin、Y77、哈隊、Nun

c2793258907/13 22:30n、阿舍、Max Strus,還有神偷、AR、FVV、Dort、鷹鈎

c2793258907/13 22:30、國民黨、咖喱弟、DFS、Kleber、Wood、卡魯獸、Bouch

c2793258907/13 22:30er 再往前翻應該還有更多還在NBA有合約的 要再舉例嗎

c2793258907/13 22:30

Plato1207/13 22:52穩定進輪替不要說二輪 一輪末就不錯了 年年有新血像淘沙

Plato1207/13 22:58雖然有Jacob Evans Alen Smailagic明顯嘗試失敗案例

Plato1207/13 23:00但馬靠 Jordan Bell也算兌現出東西 雖然個性上分別有缺點

Plato1207/13 23:01近年勇士兩頭並進 練新人環境很不友善 更不用說寄望二輪

Stupidwriter07/14 01:55每年二輪也是30人進來,能站穩的終究是少數。

Stupidwriter07/14 01:55大部分的二輪秀都還是直接被大家遺忘

killuaz07/14 06:20去年RR有很ok嗎?看起來就是前兩年的JP,各種機體劣勢的

killuaz07/14 06:20自殺切,如果沒像JP練壯+苦練投籃,很快就消失了

killuaz07/14 06:24目前雙線看來第二條很難走遠程目標了,低地板的沒時間練

killuaz07/14 06:24,練出東西的不想留勇

killuaz07/14 06:28有冠軍戒,誰想跟你等7年當少主,4年就想要拿大約了。現

killuaz07/14 06:28在一堆還沒有成就的就能領4、5000了,誰不眼紅?加上新

killuaz07/14 06:28制硬上線,要雙線根本不可能了

Broyz07/14 07:48同期的都當基石被續大約,自己還蹲在板凳被壓時間壓價錢,

Broyz07/14 07:48沒人這麼傻吧

han72607/14 09:32RR在同位置機體沒有弱勢吧…

killuaz07/14 10:41RR在發展聯盟很猛 但有在NBA出場時失誤蠻多的 但樣本

killuaz07/14 10:41數都不多就是

KThompson07/14 11:35反正去巫師大煉蠱,是真貨應該差不多要打出來了

ccccccccccc07/14 12:45在勇士打得好就是跟普洱一樣冠軍+大約啊 我不認為比

ccccccccccc07/14 12:45其他隊差

killuaz07/14 17:00球迷都覺得有冠+千萬約很棒啊 但近幾年新人都不這麼想

killuaz07/14 17:00啊XD