[情報] 12/27 the daily horoscope
You may be thinking a lot about the problems you're facing now, dear Gemini. You may be failing to take care of other things you have to do because you areso distracted. This is a good time to take a break from all of that and thinkonly of pleasant, hopeful things. There will always be problems - some big and some small. Yet there will also always be good things in your life, and focusing on the good things will eventually make a difference - not just in your own attitude but also in what you draw into your life. Stay focused on what's good.
總是會有問題 — 有的大、有的小。
然而,你的生活總會有美好的事情,專注在美好的事情最終會產生影響 —
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoYou may have an almost magical, meant-to-be feeling about a new opportunity. T hat's grand, Gemini. It's great to feel that way. That may well be your intuit ion telling you to go for it. Still, being cautious is never a bad thing - alt hough being too cautious could be. Yes, you may want to go for it, but don't o ver-fantasize about it to the point where you wear the proverbial blinders and1
首PoGemini horoscope for 星期日 12月 27 Gemini horoscope for 星期日 12月 27 Renewal is possible for you now, Gemini. It may not seem like that to you, bec ause you don't feel revived or inspired. You may not even feel very energetic or hopeful. But hope and magic are on their way to you, and you need to be awa1
首PoSomeone in your life who is either observing or involved in a venture of yours may be sharing less-than-flattering opinions. They may be telling you that yo u are rushing through something, cutting corners, or giving some other critica l assessment. But you are doing what you must do, Gemini, and if you feel it's right, it's your choice to make. If they keep putting pressure on you, then a2
首PoThe very best songs, works of art, and literature are not created with the sin gular goal of making money. The most powerful creative works are inspired, and they come from the depths of the soul. This principle can also apply to other things we do in life, dear Gemini. You may be attempting something new with t he goal of making money or impressing someone. But until you feel really inspi
[情報] 11/22 the daily horoscopeA discovery you may soon make about a situation you have been regretting may t urn things around completely for you. Right now, Gemini, you may feel that an occurrence in your life was a bad break, and perhaps it has even caused you to feel disillusioned about your life. But something you will learn will have th e power to enlighten that not everything that seems dark is truly the worst th3
[情報] 06/30 the daily horoscopeWhen things go wrong, there isn't always a way to understand why. The key to h appiness in this life is in accepting what happens and continuing to believe t he best will be. Not everything has a clear answer, as you may be discovering now, dear Gemini - but very often things don't work out for a very good reason , one that is protecting you. Something you were counting on or working toward2
[情報] 12/25 the daily horoscopeYou would love to just relax and be able to enjoy yourself today, Gemini, and you can. The way to do that is to concentrate on the good things in your life and the promise of what is to come in a hopeful way. Do not fixate on problems , worries, conflicts, and so on. There is no obligation to do that. You owe yo urself a day of joy and peace with thoughts of fresh new beginnings. The more2
[情報] 11/07 the daily horoscopeIf you are being hard on yourself and blaming yourself for something, you migh t not notice someone complimenting you. If you are upset about a rainy day, yo u might not notice the pleasant temperature or the cool breeze against your fa ce. When you are focused on negative things, it can be hard - if not impossibl e - to see the good that is also all around you. Keep that in mind today if an1
[情報] 04/20 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling uncharacteristically down or negative today, dear Gemini. N ormally you are upbeat, hopeful, and the one to be the first to see the potent ial and the upside of any situation. Therefore, Gemini, if you aren't feeling good about a new development in your life, there may be more to it. Perhaps th ere is something fundamentally wrong that you are sensing. It could also be as1
[情報] 08/01 the daily horoscopeYou may have a few problems to deal with now, some complications to untangle, and conflicts to resolve. But there is quite a lot going on for you now as wel l, dear Gemini. Do you see that? Or are you so caught up and spun around by th ose above-mentioned problems, complications, and conflicts that you are missin g the good stuff altogether? If that's the case, you need to start shifting yo1
[情報] 09/02 the daily horoscopeYou may feel as if your life is out of control today, dear Gemini. Processes y ou have set in motion are being derailed. Plans you made are being postponed o r cancelled. Things just are not working out as hoped for. But in reality, thi s turbulence is setting things up for success, not failure. While it may be di sconcerting as you face one barrier after another, just know that it is all go1
[情報] 06/23 the daily horoscopeWhen things are going really well, the thought of something going wrong is ver y difficult to think about. Right now, you may be pleased with the direction a certain endeavor is taking, yet thoughts of something going wrong have been o n your mind, dear Gemini. You may keep seeing images in your mind of what coul d go wrong and how it will affect you. But why? There is no need to picture po- You may be thinking about taking on something big for someone else. Maybe it m eans a lot to them, and they are afraid they won't be able to do it on their o wn. But you probably know that this will use up a great deal of your precious time and energy, Gemini. You are fine with being selfless because you care. Bu t don't sell yourself short. You probably have a long list of things to tackle
- 現在的你似乎沒有太多美好的前景,這可能會讓你感到高興,對未來充滿希望。 親愛的月之子,你是一個需要有所期待的人,因為你總是在思考。 但是,雖然你的地平線上沒有什麼顯而易見的事情,但這並不意味著沒有很多值得期待的 事情。 偉大的事情可能會憑空出現,而你也將迎來一段非常幸運的漫長時光。