[情報] 01/10 the daily horoscope
You may be getting a lot of feedback and opinions on a decision that you havebeen struggling with. While that should make it easier to make a choice, it might actually be making it harder for you, dear Gemini. You are hearing good advice from other people, and these are people you find trustworthy - but now there might seem to be too many good options to choose from. Take what you havelearned and write it all down. Compare and contrast it, creating a list of pros and cons. The best decision will be the one you make after you analyze all of the guidance you have received.
你正在聆聽其他人好的建議,而這些人都是你值得信賴的人 —
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
首PoIf you do the right thing, are you guaranteed that it will be the best thing? Logically, the answer is yes. But right now, Gemini, it may seem like doing th e right thing is going to backfire on you. And while it is possible that there will be awkward moments, or that something minor could go wrong because of it , in the end, being honorable always pays off. Work your way through the awkwa3
首PoBlind trust is something you can only offer until someone betrays you. Once th at happens, a person has to prove themselves doubly trustworthy before it will be easy to trust again. But there are also times when you may fear you have b een betrayed only to discover that there was a misunderstanding. If there is a question of this now in your life, Gemini, you owe it to yourself to get to t1
首PoAs a child, Albert Einstein had certain difficulties. According to some biogra phers, he did not learn to speak until he was past the age of three. Even his parents thought he might be intellectually challenged. And yet he was to becom e the most brilliant mind of the 20th century and one of the most brilliant mi nds of all time. You may feel now that you are being judged in some way, dear
[情報] 1/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 22 2021 It is natural to seek out feedback, advice, and guidance when you are getting into a big venture or making an important decision. And you, Capricorn, are more inclined than most to go this route. But instead of seeking all of that from several people, try to whittle down your list of advice-givers to those2
[情報] 02/08 the daily horoscopeYou may be hoping for validation for a choice you made recently, dear Gemini. And because you are craving that reinforcement, you might be turning to the wr ong people if the right ones aren't available. But the feedback you receive wi ll only be as good as the people you seek it from. Keep that in mind today. Al so consider that you are an expert on this in your own right, and you don't re2
[情報] 02/23 the daily horoscopeYou may be seeking advice or feedback now on something you are working on or t hat you are about to start. You may be looking for people you feel are knowled geable and have some experience or expertise in a certain area. But don't just blindly assume that the responses that are provided are a fact - they may jus t be opinions, and unverified opinions at that. You should also consider, dear2
[情報] 08/14 the daily horoscopeIf you are struggling with making a difficult decision today, dear Gemini, pau se for a moment and reflect on your situation, considering all of your options . Is there one that stands out? Is there one that simply feels right, even if you can't quantify why it feels right? If so, that might be your intuition kic king in and giving you the answer to the question you have been dealing with.2
[情報] 03/26 the daily horoscopeJust because other people don't think you are up to a challenge you are facing , that does not mean you can't handle it. Only you are competent to make that decision, dear Gemini. If you see yourself failing, it is almost certain that you will. If you decide you are going to successfully handle this challenge, h owever, you will be right! Don't let anyone else dictate what you can or canno2
[情報] 08/07 the daily horoscopeThe world might seem upside-down to you now, dear Gemini. The people you know may seem a bit like strangers on some level, and things that made sense before no longer do. You are evolving, and sometimes that's how it feels. It can be disconcerting when the familiar suddenly feels unfamiliar, but you will acclim ate. Something is changing in you, and as you aspire to your highest self, you1
[情報] 04/05 the daily horoscopeRemember to whisper rather than shout today if you want to be heard. You may h ave to share a message that isn't especially popular right now, and you may be tempted to use tough tactics to be sure others are listening - especially if you're dealing with stubborn or difficult people. But if you lower the volume and take an easier approach, dear Gemini, your confidence in the message will1
[情報] 02/02 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be trying to boss you around, even though they aren't your boss! A nd because you are such an agreeable person, dear Gemini, you may be going alo ng with it. But you have more influence than you may think. In your efforts to get along, you might want to also interject your own good ideas and guidance and still allow that person to feel like they are leading the way. They will p1
[情報] 05/23 the daily horoscopeYou may be pressuring yourself into doing something because you think that you should, rather than because you want to, or because you feel it will be the r ight thing for you. That's not a good reason to be pressuring yourself, dear G emini. You may also be succumbing to someone else's ideals for you rather than what you feel is best for you. Take a step back today. Try to analyze why you- You may feel like you are at the mercy of someone who has the power to make a decision, and all you can do is hope for the best. Since this could have an im pact on you, you may be concerned that it won't go the right way. But you have more influence than you realize, dear Gemini. If you have good reason to beli eve in one choice over another, then share how you feel. Your heartfelt self-e