[情報] 11/25 the daily horoscope
You may be concerned that you are going to fail against someone you're competing with in a new opportunity. You may think that the other party has better connections or more resources, and so they will naturally have the edge over you. However, Gemini, your intellect, your passion, your ability to think on your feet, and so many other qualities make you a fabulous candidate. Don't focuson what you do not have to offer. Focus only on what you do have to offer. Itis a lot!
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
※ PTT 留言評論
首PoA certain relationship in your life may sometimes seem to be more trouble than it's worth. We all have moments when we feel that way, Gemini - even relation ships that are otherwise pretty good. If you are at that point now with someon e, try to assess the entire relationship and the big picture, and create a las ting image of it in your mind. If there is more good than bad, then cling to t2
首PoJust because something you tried in the past did not work, does not mean that it won't work if you try it again. Believing otherwise is like saying that a r oad with a detour will always remain blocked. That's silly, right? Things chan ge, and we change. If you still believe in a method or an effort that you put forth some time ago, and it applies to something you are working on currently,1
首PoYou may be craving the company of an intellectual equal, Gemini. It's not that you're a snob. Actually, you are quite the opposite. You can and do talk to a nd enjoy the company of all kinds of people. However, sometimes you need to ex ercise your brilliant mind, and so you have the desire to seek out someone who can spar with you mentally. Try to gravitate toward the hobbies or interests1
首PoYou may be feeling the urge to share something private and personal with someo ne today, dear Gemini. You may be having a hard time finding clarity, and you just need to vent to someone. But you are encouraged to keep it to yourself, a t least for now. A feeling of panic rising up in you, based on the fear that y ou won't be able to resolve a problem, is only temporary. But once you share t
[情報] 07/02 the daily horoscopeYou may find that others are drawn to you today more powerfully than usual, Ge mini. Your talents are in the spotlight, and what you have to offer may be in high demand. But if you are considering aligning with someone now, focus on th e heart of it rather than a dazzling presentation or a charismatic expression. Look at what's at the heart of it. It really comes down to a simple recogniti1
[情報] 07/09 the daily horoscopeYour mind is brilliant, and in a sense, it is also hyperactive. You have the a bility to leap from one thing to the next in thoughts and in the tasks you tak e on with ease and grace, many can only envy. It comes naturally to you. But t oday, Gemini, you are encouraged to focus on one very important task that you have been handling in a piecemeal way. If you concentrate on this one objectiv1
[情報] 10/28 the daily horoscopeWhen you look for problems, you will find them. When you look for reasons to b e disappointed, you can find those too. When you believe people don't like you , you can unknowingly cause reasons to be unlikeable. But likewise, Gemini, wh en you seek beauty in the world around you, you will see it. When you look for harmony, your life will be more harmonious. And when you seek happiness, it w1
[情報] 11/12 the daily horoscopeYou may be concerned or even hurt because someone in your life can see you str uggling with something - and yet they are not there to help. You may wonder wh y, since you are a loyal and helpful person, and you surely would have done th at for anyone in need. Don't focus on that. It's important not to jump to conc lusions today about anyone's character or lack thereof. There could be somethi1
[情報] 12/30 the daily horoscopeIf you don't feel that you deserve something that you could ask for and receiv e right now, then you probably won't ask for it. And even if you do, Gemini, y ou may not accept it fully, and that would be a shame. So, before you go off i n the pursuit of a goal, make sure you are good with yourself. Make sure you r ealize that you do, indeed, deserve what you are about to receive. Count your1
[情報] 11/26 the daily horoscopeYou may soon have to present or promote an idea or an endeavor that you want o ther people to get involved in, sort of a team project. But you may be so conc erned that you have to get it right that you are striving for absolute perfect ion. You may come up with ideas and then reject them because they don't feel p erfect. But it is your passion for this project that will convince others of i1
[情報] 02/23 the daily horoscopeYou may have forgotten how much you know about a certain subject or skill. At one time, Gemini, you may have used this ability all the time, and it came to you so easily. You may soon embark on a new endeavor that will allow you to ta ke that ability out once again and use it. The trouble is that you may be conc erned that you will no longer have what it takes. You do! Don't worry! Once yo1
[情報] 03/28 the daily horoscopeBe wary today of a "know-it-all" who acts as though they want to help you. Sin ce you may need a lot of help with something right now, dear Gemini, you might be especially vulnerable to this person's offer of assistance. However, if yo u rely on this individual for information and guidance, you might find out tha t they don't know as much as they pretend they do, if they know anything at al1
[情報] 08/30 the daily horoscopeDon't get so caught up in what others expect of you today that you fail to do something you really want to do. You may be concerned about how someone will j udge you or if they think you are stepping outside of your own lane as you rea ch for a goal. Let that go, dear Gemini. You are the only one who can form exp ectations for yourself. No one else's opinion should hold you back. Reach for- Your greatest strength and your luckiest characteristic today will be your fle xibility, Gemini. Your ability to go with and adapt to the changing tides will be instrumental in making a new endeavor as successful as it can be. But even though this may be something that comes naturally to you, you need to keep re minding yourself that even those changes you don't agree with should be viewed