[問卦] “老天有眼”英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] “老天有眼”英文怎麼說?作者
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wintxa 05/06 15:41liutenyoen

CuLiZn5566 05/06 15:41may show gun more?

au4g3wk4k 05/06 15:42dpp asshole

PTThph 05/06 15:42DPP asshole

ss1130 05/06 15:42God have eye

chadmu 05/06 15:42Old tian has eyes.

luche 05/06 15:43retribution=.=

Jin63916 05/06 15:46DPP did it

paul2chiu 05/06 15:47Lao Tien Yu Yen

cchsiao 05/06 15:48God has eyes.

JGOBUYO 05/06 15:49照某人邏輯應該是DPP is always right

gtcb 05/06 15:53Eye in the sky

EfiwymsiAros 05/06 15:57Holy asshole

windsson 05/06 15:57Oldgod has eyes

AriasEros 05/06 16:02karma

jessbianrad 05/06 16:04Blue must die

EDhsiao 05/06 16:09らぅてんよういぇー

SapphireNoah 05/06 16:10costco

GamaloveVaca 05/06 16:12蔡英文擋疫苗

b2305911 05/06 16:15old sky have eye

tupacshkur 05/06 16:41poetic justice/just deserts

pe0853706 05/06 16:42grenn can you can't

sellgd 05/06 16:51My son ended up a junkie

gn01993343 05/06 17:01EE have asshole

s203abc 05/06 17:04green can but you can't

Wwc0130 05/06 17:12The hole

alex780312 05/06 17:13大家一致認為老天是屁股?XD

KITAN 05/06 19:37I like suck dick of liecheater