Re: [問卦] 在新加坡 汽車未依規定禮讓行人會怎樣
If the offender causes the death of another person while driving a motor vehicle, the offender will face the following penalties if convicted:
1) For first time offenders – imprisonment for a period between 2 to 8 years.
2) For repeat offenders – imprisonment for a period between 4 to 15 years.
3) For serious offenders – imprisonment for a period of 1 to 2 years in addition to any punishment for the first time or repeat offenders.
4) For serious repeat offenders – imprisonment for a period of 2 to 4 years in addition to any punishment for the first time or repeat offenders.
Section 64(2D) states that while convicting an offender for reckless or dangerous driving, the court may also order that the offender be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s license, unless for special reasons it thinks
fit to order otherwise or not order, for a disqualification period as follows:
1) For first time or repeat offenders who caused the death of another – 10 years
2) For a serious offender who caused the death of another – 12 years
3) For serious repeat offender who caused the death of another and has been convicted once of a specified offence – 15 years
※ 引述《j31404 ()》之銘言:
: 剛剛看到新聞 汽車撞死過馬路的行人,法院只判8個月有期徒刑
: 如果在新加坡 汽車未依規定禮讓行人會怎樣??
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