Re: [新聞] 新青安失控 央行急踩煞車

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 新青安失控 央行急踩煞車作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:10

※ 引述《qweerrt123 (GanPow)》之銘言:
: 6月中央銀行理監事會,總裁楊金龍認為新青安問題「財政部會解決」,不願越俎代庖,近
: 期卻開始密集個別約談各銀行總經理,直接要求全面減降不動產放款目標。態度幾乎180度
: 大轉變,說明新青安已成為難以控制的大火,光降溫遠遠不夠,央行已經沒有選擇,只能拿
: 「冰」往火上澆。

歐洲商會4月 (23 April, 2024)不是早就警告過了


Analysis: The good thing about the appointment of Cho as Premier is that he
has spent his entire career in politics. Having served as a Taipei City
councillor and Legislative Yuan member, at the DPP headquarters (including asparty chairman), at the Executive Yuan, and at the Presidential Office, he
has a thorough understanding of how Taiwan’s government works, including the
day-to-day relationship between the Presidential Office and Executive Yuan aswell as between the Legislative Yuan and Executive Yuan. On the other hand,
having spent a career in politics means Cho lacks private sector experience.
He will have to rely heavily on the relevant cabinet members to drive the
economic policy agenda.

歐洲商會示警 卓榮泰長年從政 缺乏私營經驗

經濟政策 需要重度依賴有專業的幕僚




都可以是愛你或不愛你的理由 ▕A6▏
我想你要的是愛 不是理由  ̄ ̄


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bill403777 08/21 10:47中共同路會 不需理會

gankgf 08/21 10:47歐洲商會還說藍白毀憲亂政呢

歐洲商會沒說 作者自己澄清過了

pounil 08/21 10:47民進黨的官都是嘴砲最會而已

belucky 08/21 10:48居居 次貸風暴襲來

※ 編輯: A6 ( 澳門), 08/21/2024 10:49:16

miliq 08/21 10:48這時青暝鳥會說 歐洲商會是中共同路人

ra9999 08/21 10:48自己帳都管不好的,能管國家?

driver0811 08/21 10:49未夠班

kinghtt 08/21 10:50執政八年沒培養出一個能用的文官...

ra9999 08/21 10:51小草不要出來丟臉

kinghtt 08/21 10:51把檢察跟法院馴化成狗倒是很成功

cheneden 08/21 10:54二樓哥布林??

R3hab 08/21 10:55

※ 編輯: A6 ( 澳門), 08/21/2024 10:56:23

GOOGLEISGOD 08/21 10:58

sennin32 08/21 11:01不是不懂 是故意要替建商清庫存

Malchut 08/21 11:24台灣人民過得不錯啊,還不夠慘啦

qooggyy 08/21 16:41Liar總統:不要瞧不起塔綠斑