[問卦] 綠鬣蜥的英文怎麼念

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 綠鬣蜥的英文怎麼念作者
(大車駕訓班 榮譽教練)
時間推噓49 推:51 噓:2 →:17


最近 綠鬣蜥的新聞好像開始吵起來




看影片就知道 綠鬣蜥繁殖能力很強


有沒有 綠鬣蜥的英文怎麼念


Oh, you see, you won't have to send them anywhere.
I pay for them, but then, I’ll leave them here, for you."


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linda17a3 11/17 18:26DDP

elec1141 11/17 18:26green split suck

ob54314 11/17 18:27Tainan Treasure

v9300087 11/17 18:28Green Value

GimO 11/17 18:28DPP holy beast

allyourshit 11/17 18:28DPP

magomago 11/17 18:29treasure lizard

ymib 11/17 18:30Tainan Monster

sr0 11/17 18:30Democratic Progressive lizard

NotUniqueSol 11/17 18:30green legacy

Joker0627 11/17 18:30money money

hhssll 11/17 18:31give me cash

gulugulupp 11/17 18:31DPP Green Shit animals

setopbox 11/17 18:32Gai shin wen

tomalex 11/17 18:32DPP

romeie06 11/17 18:32DPP

kohanchen 11/17 18:32Green Myth: Toukong

shokotan 11/17 18:34汪汪

HANGOLI 11/17 18:35倒是好奇有沒其他稱呼,像閩南語?

bbc0217 11/17 18:36DPPer

ledmstony 11/17 18:36DPP

shau7276 11/17 18:36Green True

GARRETH 11/17 18:37DPP

yangweiisi 11/17 18:38DP批eatshit

SydLrio 11/17 18:39DPPisShit

kis28519 11/17 18:40DPP Show Me The Money

hawk30 11/17 18:40dpp

yesno41 11/17 18:41Godtone

taylor0607 11/17 18:43Green bitch

kinki999 11/17 18:43DPP

RealGarden 11/17 18:43DPP

aooa 11/17 18:47DDP

CenaC 11/17 18:48DPP

XAZA 11/17 18:51DPP fucking pet

a29976137 11/17 18:52Dpp

shenru 11/17 18:53Dpp

lipstick 11/17 18:57DPP

SaChiA5566 11/17 19:00DPP

tryit076187 11/17 19:01DPPdragon

creatsy 11/17 19:07Green Money

dsfrf 11/17 19:10DPP多拉貢

minlochen 11/17 19:11DPP

abcdragon 11/17 19:17DPP

dinome 11/17 19:26Money

lukelove 11/17 19:29DPP coin

RisingTackle 11/17 19:37Dirty Pool Parareptilia簡稱DPP

dinel7821967 11/17 19:41DPPer

Rsew 11/17 19:52DPPer

elibra01 11/17 19:55DPP shit

chysh 11/17 20:07DPPet

capnlizard66 11/17 20:10什麼什麼iguana 之前聽家裡外傭講

capnlizard66 11/17 20:10

nokias 11/17 20:52iguana 依瓜那

leterg 11/17 20:55就IGUANA,壽命10年,中文不會唸

leterg 11/17 20:58蜥蜴台語叫抖丁,iguana是這幾年的外來種

leterg 11/17 20:58寵物,應該沒有台語,青色的抖丁?

jairon 11/17 20:59DPP

fju0911 11/17 21:09DPP

zxcvbnmnbvcx 11/17 21:13DPP

godchildtw 11/17 21:17DPP

azukinana 11/17 22:07DPPlikeshit

fp737 11/17 22:47記得以前在空英內學過

aa2425 11/18 00:50dpp綠畜

mithuang 11/18 00:55Lizard蜥蝪,Igwana綠鬣蜥,Gecko壁虎。後

mithuang 11/18 00:55兩者都是蜥蝪的一種

daJas 11/18 06:23滴劈霹

hodj 11/18 08:37DPP Pet

visda 11/18 10:28綠拉基

MM79979 11/18 11:45DPP

Achillies 11/19 12:59哥布林專屬寵物