[問卦] 一聽就很老的英文名?

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cuteSquirrel 07/11 18:08Nick

railman 07/11 18:08mary

MotleyCrue 07/11 18:09dick

soria 07/11 18:09George之類的

wvookevp 07/11 18:09喬治跟瑪麗

lazack 07/11 18:09蔡英文

pengjoker 07/11 18:10直接音譯大多是老人

WeGoStyle 07/11 18:10Tom

somefatguy 07/11 18:10Morris

dakkk 07/11 18:10tony

piolet 07/11 18:10Susan Joe

senma 07/11 18:10鮑勃

WomanizerNo7 07/11 18:10Doris

watsar 07/11 18:11David

hitomi47 07/11 18:11樓下男友叫啥名

stardream226 07/11 18:11Apple

kuM 07/11 18:11寶格麗

hhhhirooo 07/11 18:11Richard

storyk49240 07/11 18:11Mike

keelungReeve 07/11 18:11money

Ben40 07/11 18:11Jesus

azdc 07/11 18:12Tina Tony

tony15899 07/11 18:12華盛頓

lucifiel1618 07/11 18:12Max

angmoobi 07/11 18:12Stanley

celtics52034 07/11 18:12Old

tamama000 07/11 18:12甘道夫

xxx60133 07/11 18:12嗨 珠蒂

deere 07/11 18:12Gaylord

royyy 07/11 18:12Jennifer在美國是45+的名字

rexwis 07/11 18:13我只知道女生10個有9個A開頭

aggressorX 07/11 18:13john:誰比我老

Nexpring 07/11 18:13John

nonatazaka 07/11 18:13Andy

jhgfdsa123 07/11 18:13Very old

ivan609 07/11 18:13Andy

Carloslin 07/11 18:13這個還是要看臉

cck525 07/11 18:14Charlotte 吧

barry841120 07/11 18:14Nancy

scott90213 07/11 18:14Susan

believefate 07/11 18:14Jessica

senscircadvs 07/11 18:14台灣人自己愛取一些爛英文名

superhttp 07/11 18:14Brown

ivan609 07/11 18:14蜜雪兒跟珍妮佛應該是同等級的

s820912gmail 07/11 18:14English

dowattw2005 07/11 18:14Trump

Chen7 07/11 18:14安迪

hushiang 07/11 18:15Sam、Ban

Stupidog5566 07/11 18:15Boomer

justin521 07/11 18:17Terisa

a74588123 07/11 18:17yee

yulo 07/11 18:17取一些爛名字的更慘 譬如Apple

s203abc 07/11 18:17god is girl.

s203abc 07/11 18:18搞錯了以為是歌

CRAZYJEFFY 07/11 18:18Andy

KALAKA 07/11 18:18Candy、Lucy

litowhite 07/11 18:19海森堡

babyMclaren 07/11 18:19Richard

ClownT 07/11 18:19樓下的另一半叫:

ePaper 07/11 18:20Top of the world

kigan 07/11 18:20惡狼隊:Terry Andy Joe

DOOT 07/11 18:20Monica

youtrue 07/11 18:20Helen

palajuice 07/11 18:20Adam

Simonfenix 07/11 18:22John

cocogg 07/11 18:22Stephanie

JamesChan51 07/11 18:22嗆我嗆夠了沒

barry1027gg 07/11 18:22ㄘㄨㄚ' 英文

Vassili242 07/11 18:23Old

a27588679 07/11 18:24蒂芬尼

kdeath 07/11 18:24Humphrey

winiS 07/11 18:24Anny

wpd 07/11 18:25尼可拉斯

ym60606 07/11 18:25強森 傑克 艾倫 安迪

WilliamXZ 07/11 18:25Henry

egogeorge 07/11 18:31國父george

deeeplove 07/11 18:32Jack

haru97724 07/11 18:32Andy

mudee 07/11 18:35David

etiennechiu 07/11 18:39Mary

Charlie1003 07/11 18:39Lie

angol1337 07/11 18:42菜市場名通常都待很久,因為新人來HR會

angol1337 07/11 18:42希望取名盡量不要跟現有人員重複

gg7965977 07/11 18:43Jacqueline 賈桂琳

AlexCaruso 07/11 18:45frank

whitelady 07/11 18:45Mary、Kevin

retrud 07/11 18:46絕對是lucy

whitelady 07/11 18:46Paul也有一種老感

yyc210 07/11 18:54Richard超老

adsl9527 07/11 18:54mike

ffreakk 07/11 19:08HENRY

KirkSynder 07/11 19:18

lmf770410 07/11 19:20Peter

acergame5 07/11 19:21Tom Mike Jack

Pocaribull 07/11 19:30George

abby99 07/11 19:31Yvonne

bluesox 07/11 19:54apple candy

allahuakbar 07/11 19:58howard

alex00089 07/11 19:58亞當,以諾

wuhoho 07/11 20:05John

siloin 07/11 20:23Clark

cmeih 07/11 20:36susan

fluffylove 07/11 20:55Benjamin

vking223 07/11 21:14蓋瑞,歐德曼

transfight 07/11 21:29suckdick

antibody27 07/11 21:30Susan真的有大媽感

diablohinet 07/11 21:41Old

Jiyyan 07/11 21:48竟然沒有Judy

ellejanetzax 07/11 21:52Peter

littlemai27 07/11 21:53Bob

annshu0501 07/11 22:28Mary,Nancy,Barbara,Linda,Paul,Mich

annshu0501 07/11 22:28ael,Bob,Jack

jyjyjylin 07/11 22:32男的Sam,女的Susan

IntoHebe 07/12 00:17julia

gg0720 07/12 00:27Barbara Bob

xinyuxiao 07/12 00:34mary

x6073123 07/12 01:28Thomas

hannocps 07/12 07:59Bob

hhjjhhgg 07/12 08:44andy jason john

CTUST 07/12 09:23Jesus