Re: [新聞] 拜登:烏克蘭如欲加入北約無捷徑可走
※ 引述《leocean9816 (阿光)》之銘言:
: 1.媒體來源:中央社
: 2.記者署名:華盛頓17日綜合外電
: 3.完整新聞標題:拜登:烏克蘭如欲加入北約無捷徑可走
昨天22日齁 德國總理Scholz也出來說
願提供 烏克蘭支持 但反對烏克蘭立即加入北約
Scholz pledges security assurances to Kyiv but no swift NATO membership
BERLIN, June 22 (Reuters) - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Thursday pledgedlong-term security assurances to Ukraine but dashed Kyiv's hopes for a swift
accession to NATO.
"We have to take a sober look at the current situation," Scholz told German
lawmakers in a speech in parliament, adding the government in Kyiv had itselfacknowledged the country would not be able to join NATO as long as the war
was still going on.
"Therefore, I suggest we focus on the top priority (at the NATO summit) in
Vilnius (in mid-July), namely strengthening the combat power of Ukraine,"
Scholz said.
Berlin and its partners in the G7 and the European Union were working on
long-term security assurances to Kyiv, he said.
"Our goal is ... a sustainable military support of Ukraine, including with
modern Western weapons, and the strengthening of Ukraine's economic
resilience as it defends itself against the Russian aggression," he said.
NATO countries are squabbling over what to offer Kyiv when the alliance's
leaders meet in Vilnius on July 11-12.
While Kyiv and its closest allies in Eastern Europe call for concrete steps
to bring Ukraine closer to membership, Western governments such as the UnitedStates and Germany are wary of any move that might take the alliance closer
to war with Russia.
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ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄)ㄟ  ̄ ̄
都打多久了 北約還是一樣這麼孬
烏克蘭就是笨 連攬炒都錯邊
所以要阻止一個國家進北約 就先和它開戰
一堆人翻車 你也是乘客嗎?
※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 06/25/2023 16:33:50爆
[情報]三項情報(含北約立場,附原文)標題:[情報]三項情報(含北約表態立場) 時間: Fri Mar 4 18:39:39 2022 北約秘書長 與 美國國務卿 在聯合新聞發布會上表示: 1.56
[爆卦] 德國總理:北約將不會軍事干預烏克蘭戰事German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made clear that NATO will not "intervene militarily" in Ukraine during talks with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg. 德國總理聲明: 北約將不會軍事干預烏克蘭戰事。 What did the leaders say?35
[爆卦] 烏克蘭談判代表稱願討論「非北約模式」Ukraine is not willing to compromise on its territorial integrity in talks with Russia but is open to discussing "non- NATO models" for its future, in a wider forum, one of its negotiators told Fox News. 烏克蘭的一名談判代表告訴福克斯新聞,烏克蘭不願意在與俄羅斯的談判中就其領土完整
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