Re: [爆卦] 烏克蘭向逃烏者發出通緝

看板Gossiping標題Re: [爆卦] 烏克蘭向逃烏者發出通緝作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:22

※ 引述《kc1345 (kc)》之銘言:
: : 波蘭及歐洲國家
: : 可能會收到大量來自烏克蘭要求使用賄賂偷渡等手段
: : 離開烏克蘭 可動員人員歸還的請求
: : 大意
: : 烏克蘭將大量離開烏克蘭境內的適齡男性 列入國際通緝犯
: : 以得到歐洲各國將他們遣返回國內 並說服他們 自願加入對抗俄羅斯的偉大行列
: : 生是烏克蘭人 死也得是烏克蘭的死人
: 我真好奇這裡還有多少人在意真相…
: 同樣是波蘭媒體Warsaw Voice有用英文報導。
: 確寫出烏方是“suggested...would與does not rule out”依法追捕的可能性。
: 還沒發生的事不要超譯是翻譯的基本素養吧?

你好 我很在意真相 而且您不覺得您超譯的有點離譜???

為了避免有些人沒點開新聞齁 我把你給的新聞貼到最後

Poland has begun to extradite Ukrainian men of draft age


Poland and other EU countries may be flooded with Ukrainian requests for the
extradition of men who left the country thanks to bribes. Some Ukrainians arealready being handed over by Poland to Ukrainian services.

波蘭和歐洲國家 會收到一些因賄賂而離開他國男子的申請的返回請求


注意喔 這裡講的是賄賂 不是收賄喔



請問 和我原文寫的

: : 波蘭及歐洲國家
: : 可能會收到大量來自烏克蘭要求使用賄賂偷渡等手段
: : 離開烏克蘭 可動員人員歸還的請求


另外你所說的 「已經」開始引渡的是從中獲利的middlemen

不好意思剛剛的第一段 和最後一段 都只提到已經引渡了烏克蘭人 沒說什麼烏克蘭人

extradited citizens of that country who are involved in smuggling illegal
immigrants into Europe.


哪裡提到middleman 我用搜索才看到

Defense and Intelligence Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine told the
daily Rzeczpospolita. He does not rule out the possibility that the Ukrainianprosecutor's office may pursue its citizens abroad on the basis of criminal
cases filed. Some of them, on the other hand, fled illegally through the
so-called "green border. In Ukraine, they regularly detain participating

他這裡說的是烏克蘭"境內" 常在逮捕中間人

我看了好幾個新聞內可沒有說 這次遣返的是什麼烏克蘭人喔


我是不知道誰超譯啦 不過我感覺不是我



Poland has begun to extradite Ukrainian men of draft age

Poland and other EU countries may be flooded with Ukrainian requests for the
extradition of men who left the country thanks to bribes. Some Ukrainians arealready being handed over by Poland to Ukrainian services.
The chairman of the ruling Servant of the Nation faction, David Arachamia,
recently suggested that Ukrainian law enforcement agencies would demand the
extradition of draft-age men who illegally left Ukraine while fleeing
mobilization. By order of President [Volodymyr] Zelensky, all certificates ofunfitness for service issued by military medical commissions after February
24, 2022 are to be verified. Authorities in Kiev say that up to tens of
thousands of men of draft age may have received false certificates for bribesranging from USD 3,000 to USD 15,000.
According to the Border Guard Headquarters, from February 24 last year to
August 31, 2023, nearly 2.87 million Ukrainian citizens aged 18-60 entered
Poland, and nearly 2.8 million Ukrainians left. This means that about 80,000
Ukrainian men of draft age entered Poland and disappeared.
"This is a significant number for Ukraine, because these individuals could bemobilized and increase the ranks of our armed forces, thus strengthening our
defense and security," Fedir Venislawski of the National Security, Defense
and Intelligence Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine told the daily
Rzeczpospolita. He does not rule out the possibility that the Ukrainian
prosecutor's office may pursue its citizens abroad on the basis of criminal
cases filed. Some of them, on the other hand, fled illegally through the
so-called "green border. In Ukraine, they regularly detain participating
To bring such men into the country, Ukraine must issue an international
letter of appointment against each of them. "If we stop such a foreigner,
e.g. for an ordinary road check, our KSIP (National Police Information
System) system will show that this is a person being prosecuted by the
prosecutor's office from Ukraine, because Interpol data is there. We detain
such a person and inform the prosecutor's office. The Polish court decides
whether he will be extradited," Insp. Mariusz Ciarka, spokesman for the
Police Headquarters, told the daily.
According to information from the Border Guard, Poland, under an agreement
with Ukraine, has already extradited citizens of that country who are
involved in smuggling illegal immigrants into Europe.

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ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄)ㄟ  ̄ ̄


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kc1345 09/05 21:05最後一句不就明確告訴你什麼身份…

對阿 他前面還告訴你 在烏克蘭境內勒 引渡個頭阿 國內還要引渡阿 我大概懂你的意思 你只的應該是這個 smuggling illegal immigrants 大概是中文覺得是算蛇頭 還是算蛇頭和偷渡客的問題 你覺得是前面 我覺得是後面 大概是這個問題

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/05/2023 21:07:43

douge 09/05 21:08最後一段是拿來證明烏克蘭已經有在逮捕

douge 09/05 21:08協助逃亡的 middlemen

douge 09/05 21:09不是指只有引渡 middlemen

douge 09/05 21:09整篇文章就是在說 烏克蘭要引渡回逃兵者

kc1345 09/05 21:10全文脈絡來看目前被引渡的就一種人。同樣

kc1345 09/05 21:10我也不知道為啥你能直接無視內文官方只說

kc1345 09/05 21:10「可能」被直接當進行式?

大哥 如果只引渡蛇頭的話 一般新聞會直接寫在標題 或第一段 你看過哪個新聞 是把重點放後中間?? 他第一段就寫了 一些賄賂出境(thanks to bribes)的 已經被送回烏課蘭 不是"taken" bribes

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/05/2023 21:14:07

DCHC 09/05 21:15這則新聞已經是澤倫斯基向烏克蘭難民預告,

DCHC 09/05 21:15烏克蘭人民不回國作戰,烏克蘭政府就要起訴

DCHC 09/05 21:16與通緝沒回國服兵役的烏克蘭人民。

DCHC 09/05 21:17所以,美軍也在看烏克蘭人民會不會死守家園

DCHC 09/05 21:18如果烏克蘭的全部人民不願死守家園,

DCHC 09/05 21:19波蘭就要準備打仗,而北約也要向俄羅斯宣戰

DCHC 09/05 21:19到時候歐洲人民就只能等待俄羅斯先使用原子

DCHC 09/05 21:20能武器,再由美軍以原子能武器反擊。

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/05/2023 21:23:32

vzerov 09/05 21:22連標題一句話都看不懂的在那邊談脈絡和翻

vzerov 09/05 21:22譯 可憐那

kc1345 09/05 21:24內文跟下標就完全對不上,當然還是以有具

kc1345 09/05 21:24名發言部份為準。另外,正常標題就要精確

kc1345 09/05 21:24沒錯。

而且我為什麼堅持要那篇波蘭文的 Rzeczpospolitej 因為一半以上的消息來源都指向他 而且根本就沒提到引渡的是蛇頭 他也只從邊防衛隊得到有烏克蘭人已經引渡消息 根本沒說是什麼烏克蘭人

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/05/2023 21:35:12

kc1345 09/05 21:28回覆你回文部份:第一段分兩句,看完後面

kc1345 09/05 21:28全文回來,兩句明顯分指不同群體= =

大哥 第一段就提到一個逃避動員群體 哪裡來兩個不同的群體???

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/05/2023 21:39:23

kc1345 09/05 21:47大哥,被抓的是最後in+Ving那種,不是tha

kc1345 09/05 21:47nks to bribes的。這樣夠不一樣了嗎?

thanks to bribes的本身就是 involved smuggle 偷渡罪 不是只有蛇頭阿 你什麼時候聽過偷渡不罰偷渡客了..... 偷渡美國 還有一堆人被起訴勒.... 你可以參考一下 People smuggling

其中提到 human smuggling 和 human trafficking 的差別 偷渡 販運 The recognition of trafficked persons as "victims" but smuggled migrants as "objects" 販運的人是受害者 但偷渡的人就是執法目標 這新聞用的好像是 smuggled 吧

DCHC 09/05 21:47kc1345應該承認"烏克蘭執法機構將要求引渡因

DCHC 09/05 21:48逃避動員而非法離開烏克蘭的徵兵年齡男子。"

DCHC 09/05 21:48從這則新聞來說,波蘭政府已經知道澤倫斯基

DCHC 09/05 21:49預備通緝因為逃避兵役而離開烏克蘭的男人。

這個是 烏克蘭議員說的 波蘭邊境衛隊是說有遣返烏克蘭人 但沒說具體內容

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 09/05/2023 23:33:01