[問卦] 人不要臉天下無敵 英文怎麼翻?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 人不要臉天下無敵 英文怎麼翻?作者
時間推噓29 推:32 噓:3 →:23








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kcclasaki 12/11 15:26DPP no.1

jstar100 12/11 15:26Lie2

snow3804 12/11 15:26綠能你不能

qa1122z 12/11 15:26IKEA

coneflwer 12/11 15:27bitch

ericleft 12/11 15:27lie cry der

Xaymaca 12/11 15:27Nothing is impossible.

yangweiisi 12/11 15:27簡寫:Lie cheater

KaiManSo 12/11 15:27(BLJ) Bai Lian Jiao

KaiManSo 12/11 15:28白蓮教

ivorysoap 12/11 15:28god of lie

lesnaree2 12/11 15:28DPP

slex 12/11 15:29no face to die

Agod 12/11 15:29Green can you can’t

deann 12/11 15:30I'm Dpper

Lowpapa 12/11 15:31DPP

NICKYJASON 12/11 15:31Lie cheater!

tamama000 12/11 15:32Lai Ching-te

isequ 12/11 15:35a shameless person is invinsible

stephon50 12/11 15:39Lie cheater

leinru 12/11 15:40dpp

gn01693664 12/11 15:43we dpp mdfk

ballby 12/11 15:43Disgusting People’s Party

jimmyliu1217 12/11 15:43lie cheater the motherfuckr

TomChu 12/11 15:44people who don't want

TomChu 12/11 15:44face is inevitable.

Xaymaca 12/11 15:45Chinese

DORAQMON 12/11 15:46DPP is shit

coffee112 12/11 15:48DPP

ppifer 12/11 15:49ee

Carrarese 12/11 15:51No face people are invincible

EfiwymsiAros 12/11 15:52Lie cheater

stvc 12/11 15:52lie cheater

linlaosure 12/11 15:59The fewer faces he keeps, the more

linlaosure 12/11 15:59worlds he gets

juanjason 12/11 16:01Empty vegetable

hw1 12/11 16:02Lie Cheater is invincible

damnyou 12/11 16:12Lie cheater

Cwot 12/11 16:13綠色就是啦

enthpzd 12/11 16:13President Xi

IRPT001 12/11 16:15Dpp

archgon 12/11 16:19lie

zenoofelea 12/11 16:19D P P

system303179 12/11 16:22EE is shit

fallinlove15 12/11 16:24Lie cheater

macauboy 12/11 16:24No 違建 for DDP

newhander 12/11 16:33KP

garyasdf 12/11 16:36你們果然是死忠的

fju0911 12/11 16:40GREEN POWER

shintz 12/11 16:41Team DPP

leterg 12/11 16:47no shame no gain

xaxa0101 12/11 17:01DPP

STAEGG 12/11 17:11Green

Hotaruinori 12/11 17:36菜英文

boy330077 12/11 17:44DPP

smallcar801 12/11 17:54shameless cheater will win

perry201046 12/11 18:13很多啊 蔡英經 賴騙神

griffick 12/11 18:25