Re: [新聞] 拜登時代雜誌專訪重申不排除動武保台 先

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保衛台灣? 拜登:派不派兵差很大
記者張文馨/華盛頓報導 2024-06-04 14:39 ET


So getting to exactly that point. Pretty much everybody agrees that managing
China's rise is the most important foreign policy and national security issuefor America and Americans in the coming century. CIA director Bill Burns saysthe President Xi Jinping of China has ordered the Chinese military to be ready by 2027 to conduct a successful invasion of Taiwan. You said on multiple
occasions that you would use US forces to defend Taiwan. What does that mean?Is it boots on the ground? What, what shape would that take?

Biden: It would depend on the circumstances. You know, by the way, I've made
clear to Xi Jinping that we agree with—we signed on to previous presidents
going way back—to the policy of, that, it is we are not seeking independence
for Taiwan nor will we in fact, not defend Taiwan if they if, if China
unilaterally tries to change the status. And so we're continuing to supply
capacity. And, and we've been in consultation with our allies in the region.

So if I might, not ruling out the possibility of deploying US troops to Taiwan in the case of an invasion?

Biden: Not ruling out using US military force. There’s a distinction between
deploying on the ground, air power and naval power, etc.

So you're maybe striking from bases in Philippines or Japan, is that…

Biden: I can’t get into that. You would then criticize me with good reason if I were to tell you.


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A6 06/05 03:15你不加中文 八卦很多人看不懂啦

words2012 06/05 03:20以前拜登確實講過會保護台灣

words2012 06/05 03:24不過講的話 本來就沒承諾必要

meatbear 06/05 03:58拜登的意思是不排除動用美國武力,但出

meatbear 06/05 03:58兵到台灣跟派遣海軍或空軍是不一樣的

meatbear 06/05 03:59記者問那是不是會從日本菲律賓基地做打

meatbear 06/05 03:59擊 拜登就不多說了

meatbear 06/05 04:06比較像拜登不想說死成出兵臺灣

sellgd 06/05 04:40Google "time magazine biden taiwan"