[問卦] 台灣駕駛持球棒攔停登上reddit

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 台灣駕駛持球棒攔停登上reddit作者
時間推噓18 推:18 噓:0 →:6


We were riding from taitung to hualien, when a car tried to share lanes with us(no scooter lane, one car and one mixed lane), when we honked at him he break checked us and wielded a baseball bat in my face. I also got video footage. Is this kind of behavior normal in Taiwan? This is the first time I am experiencing this kind of road rage here. The police said we didn't do anything wrong. Should we have driven on the sidewalk to make room for him? Sorry for the rambling, still kind of shocked to be honest.




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bill403777 08/28 13:21看好了世界

rainbow321 08/28 13:22台灣逼車日常啊

alice1967 08/28 13:22棒球以前NO.1,球棒現在NO.1

takamiku 08/28 13:22棒球是國球 每個駕駛都自備一隻球棒練習

takamiku 08/28 13:22揮棒怎麼了嗎

hsiuhsun 08/28 13:23台灣之光

freaky0908 08/28 13:24身在台中 機車喇叭壞了也沒想過要去

Townshend 08/28 13:25應該要有人去reddit澄清那隻猴子是原住

Townshend 08/28 13:25民土著,不是台灣人

bbflisky 08/28 13:30台灣本來就該被旅遊警示。

Ceferino 08/28 13:34台灣之光

jetalpha 08/28 13:47事發地點在花蓮耶

wiork 08/28 14:24機車叭沙小,外國人就是外國人,拿球棒交流

wiork 08/28 14:25剛好而已

DBSS 08/28 14:53台灣的法治真的笑話 對這路怒症只能放縱

aja1008 08/28 15:04文哲大A參選讚聲用的加油棒啦,別造謠!

ltw89104 08/28 15:36BNG-5767

jeans1020 08/28 15:38這就是國球

system32 08/28 15:43台灣之胱

maccty159 08/28 16:06又一個狗娘養的垃圾,按喇叭一定要讓牠

LEBR0NJAMES6 08/28 16:44台灣棒球的水準都在馬路上xd

fishhy 08/28 16:58跟俄羅斯比不知道誰會贏?

owlcity0928 08/28 17:51駕駛人素質真差

kodansha 08/28 18:18棒球是國球沒問題吧!?