[爆掛] 法國奶奶呼籲終結暴亂

看板Gossiping標題[爆掛] 法國奶奶呼籲終結暴亂作者
時間推噓19 推:21 噓:2 →:28

據BBC 報導 法國奶奶 AKA受害者家屬



但是這位奶奶 可能不知道



你能原諒警察 但你不能妨礙大家零元購


I don't resent French police, says Nahel's grandmother
We are hearing more from Nadia, Nahel's grandmother, who is speaking to
French network BFM TV in Nanterre.

She says that she "resents" the men who stopped and killed her grandson, but
that doesn't mean that she hates all other police officers.

"Fortunately, they are there," she says, emphasising that she "believes in

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Posted at 22:0722:07
It's over, my kid doesn't have a life any more - Nahel's grandmother
There is more from BFMTV's interview with Nahel's grandmother, Nadia.

"I am tired," she says. "It's over, my kid doesn't have a life any more."

As she calls for calm and stop rioting, she adds: "Don't destroy the schools,don't destroy the buses. They are other mothers who take these buses."

She earlier said that the rioters were using Nahel's death as an excuse.

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johnwu 07/02 22:40XDDD

mrcat 07/02 22:40法國白警

bbbb25487 07/02 22:40淡水阿嬤:

ianlin1216 07/02 22:40奶奶不是大奶金髮貞德 講話沒份量

AngelNo13 07/02 22:41阿嬤妳不上車隨便妳但妳不要擋著車前

AngelNo13 07/02 22:41

zorro1111 07/02 22:41法國老奶奶不是只會作蛋糕?

NotUniqueSol 07/02 22:42法國鄭南…

chunfo 07/02 22:45左派只想找理由搶劫

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 07/02/2023 22:47:34

billy56 07/02 22:49找理由搶劫而已

linda17a3 07/02 22:49法國奶奶會叫人選總統嗎

petshopboys 07/02 22:49法蘭西三好加一好 馬克隆被斬首最好

VOLK11 07/02 22:53所以這些法國人在鬧什麼啊

VOLK11 07/02 22:54非裔少年被誤殺種族問題就讓受害家屬去法

VOLK11 07/02 22:54院解決阿

VOLK11 07/02 22:55如果沒有受害者家屬就是代表非裔族群的組

VOLK11 07/02 22:55織去法院訴願或是提告兇手阿

VOLK11 07/02 22:56因為法國又不是專制國家,法院完全被控制

VOLK11 07/02 22:56,法官還是有獨立裁量權

VOLK11 07/02 22:57而且一邊鬧事還打砸燒搶,那不就模糊原來

VOLK11 07/02 22:57訴求了嗎?

b2305911 07/02 22:57沒有理由 就是想零元購

VOLK11 07/02 22:58法國奶奶語重心長啦,老者的話如果有智慧

VOLK11 07/02 22:58要聽阿,畢竟她們有經驗值

fatdoghusky 07/02 23:08就跟美國人學的阿

YLTYY 07/02 23:12只是想要一個發洩的理由

pitaya13 07/02 23:12老番癲 擋人財路

littlelinsyu 07/02 23:14尼哥就一群未開化的

AMDMARSHAL 07/02 23:15暴民:勸你別多管閒事

eogjds 07/02 23:17底層趁機搶劫

sprina5 07/02 23:18而且燒圖書館到底為什麼?

Howard61313 07/02 23:23圖書館得罪誰了,難不成得罪考生

feijai 07/02 23:24受害家屬有比零元購人士懂受害者嗎

k44754 07/02 23:24nagger想零元購,別多管閒事

feijai 07/02 23:25可能之前毀損書籍被罰錢吧 懷恨在心

andye04 07/02 23:32佛洛伊德他弟之前也這樣講啊 根本沒用

ed2611265 07/02 23:36找個理由,最點什麼

Refauth 07/02 23:38恭喜法國人民獲得"黑人的自由權"!WWWWWW

didi0909 07/02 23:43對比香港 這個叫陳情抗議好嗎

kissa0924307 07/02 23:53不想還書 乾脆燒掉圖書館

darkMood 07/03 00:08暴民應該全部殺光才對。支持馬克洪!!!!!

tasy4n 07/03 00:29老奶奶檸檬蛋糕超好吃

coldcolour 07/03 01:13沒用了 暴民只有找到理由能鬧就行

gueswmi 07/03 01:15被逮捕平均17歲,這嘉年華吧

renfro928 07/03 05:48以前法國人去非洲零元購,開啟黑奴貿

renfro928 07/03 05:48易,現在看好像也只是剛好而已,再過

renfro928 07/03 05:4850年歐洲充滿非裔跟回教信仰QQ

gn01693664 07/03 08:06淡水阿嬤:

jenhaoliao 07/03 08:39被殺的未成年,奶奶可以代表未成年?

jenhaoliao 07/03 08:40抗議的,不就是未成年自救嗎?

當然不是未成年自救 要說buff 那只是其中一個而已 還有穆斯林 非洲裔 等buff 而且這已經不是自救了 是暴動和搶劫

yocobra 07/03 09:44就只是想零元購 剛好有個理由

※ 編輯: A6 ( 臺灣), 07/03/2023 11:01:48