Re: [爆卦] 台灣女子在菲律賓被中國人綁架
※ 引述《BIA (必亞)》之銘言:
: 所以使用爆卦
: 根據馬尼拉新聞報導
: 說有一名8/14入境的台灣女子
: 原本要前往Malate地區
我竟然找不到說英文的菲律賓新聞 我只能找文字的
Police rescue Taiwanese woman; nab two Chinese for kidnapping
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 21) – Police rescued a Taiwanese woman
who was kidnapped by seven Chinese nationals, the National Capital Region
Police Office (NCRPO) said Monday.
Based on the report sent to NCRPO director Brig. Gen. Jose Melencio Nartatez,victim Wang Hui-Xin, 35, was kidnapped by seven Chinese nationals and broughtto a house in Victoneta North Subdivision, Barangay Potrero in Malabon City
last Aug. 14.
The victim was invited by her friend named "Axin" to meet in Malate, Manila.
But the meeting did not happen as she was abducted by the Chinese nationals.
She was blindfolded and brought to Oak Street, Victoneta North, Barangay
Potrero, Malabon City onboard a private vehicle.
Nartatez said the Malabon City Police received information on Aug. 18 from a
concerned male Taiwanese national who refused to be identified regarding the
abduction of the victim.
The Taiwanese informant shared that the victim was detained at the
aforementioned place as traced through the location of the Global PositioningSystem of the victim's phone.
Acting on the information, Malabon police proceeded to the place which
resulted in the rescue of the victim and arrest of two of the seven suspects
on Sunday.
Nartatez identified the suspects as Zheng Xi Lin, 34, and Ma Pun Xin, 36.
The victim claimed she was raped twice by the suspects' leader on August 18.
She was also forced to transfer thousands of US dollars to the suspect's
account in a series of transactions: $71,428 (,010,825); $21,805 (1,224,394); $20,000 (,123,040); $1,000 (6,152); and $10,000 (61,520).
The suspects are now under police custody.
菲律賓 報導的新聞
有的開著車,有的沒有開車。 ▁▁
沒有開車的,騙騙我們的錢, ▕A6▏
開著車的,騙騙我們的人。 ▕出品▏
 ̄ ̄
首Po因為台灣新聞都沒有看到 所以使用爆卦 根據馬尼拉新聞報導 說有一名8/14入境的台灣女子21
幫附上CNN新聞 CNN駐菲律賓記者寫的 Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 21) – Police rescued a Taiwanese woman who was kidnapped by seven Chinese nationals, the National Capital Region Poli9
也有中國的被騙過去綁架了, 還是 2021年曾獲得世界小姐澳門區季軍, 聽說付了80萬人民幣,但是還是沒回來 百萬網紅驚傳「遭閨蜜賣去菲律賓」失聯3個月生死不明4
推測那受害人應該不是被朋友騙吧 可能是應徵菲律賓博弈業之類的 哪有可能跟朋友約國外紅燈區見面 又不是我家巷口小7那麼簡單的 說不定那個Axin就是嫌疑人Ma Pun Xin 這不是隨機綁架案 是預謀好把人騙到當地 洗完身家之後賣到殺豬盤公司的手段
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[黑特] 休士頓槍響...(KHOU) Would-be robber shot and killed by intended victim in west Houston, police say 美國德州休士頓西邊 Westheimer/Gessner 街口11
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