[問卦] 一句話證明你玩過星海爭霸

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 一句話證明你玩過星海爭霸作者
時間推噓推:237 噓:7 →:89



當時雖然有play station可以玩







※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

foreverofat 08/09 17:16六隻狗快攻


jerrylin 08/09 17:165D狗爆

ls4860 08/09 17:16show me the money


Israfil 08/09 17:16是誰呼叫艦隊

Habibu 08/09 17:16MARCO POLO

willy610 08/09 17:16飛龍騎臉怎麼輸 媽個雞

F91 08/09 17:16請給我黃金

initialdark 08/09 17:16沒玩過 哭哭

desirU 08/09 17:16啊,你嚇到我了

ls4860 08/09 17:16用航母還很賤耶 幹


DawDouHenbuz 08/09 17:17為了艾爾而生

GGKen 08/09 17:18為了部落!

zyxx 08/09 17:18伐伐伐伐木工

Vassili242 08/09 17:18how do you turn this on

you must constrct additional pylons

grimdance 08/09 17:19E e bp e bg

hy0106 08/09 17:19show me

inewhand 08/09 17:19black sheep wall

operation cwal

※ 編輯: dennistao ( 臺灣), 08/09/2023 17:20:31

mscmobitai 08/09 17:19你的部隊正在遭受攻擊

AppleTaiwan 08/09 17:19速虛空

hy0106 08/09 17:20power overwhelming

byby615 08/09 17:20憨得路

jixiang 08/09 17:21show me the money

wenyenleng 08/09 17:21死神降臨

egogeorge 08/09 17:21蟲族

ypyp 08/09 17:22Dragoon~~

A98454 08/09 17:22Operation cwal

testttt 08/09 17:22ready to work

go go go!!!!!

rommel1990 08/09 17:22lock and load

dyc2008 08/09 17:22伐伐伐伐木工

AGIknight 08/09 17:23是誰在呼叫艦隊

fish770130 08/09 17:23人球軟皇 Sobad毒爆18連發

CloserJ 08/09 17:23哩丁者味 哀汪汪的號

BinLaden 08/09 17:23我們需要更多晶礦


tcancer 08/09 17:23狗海小遊戲

jixiang 08/09 17:23

eattheapple 08/09 17:24LF2.NET

btaro 08/09 17:24鎖住

YCTING 08/09 17:24my life for aiur

a2396494 08/09 17:24卡拉聯結著我們

ThisisLongID 08/09 17:24nuclear launch detected


kerorobear 08/09 17:24我從陰道中到來

martinmask 08/09 17:24show me the money

jianliung 08/09 17:25En Taro Adun

ninnyshadow 08/09 17:25there is no cow level 居然沒人提


AGIknight 08/09 17:26你是老闆~ 呀~你嚇著我了 優呼~加班

※ 編輯: dennistao ( 臺灣), 08/09/2023 17:27:43

mk5520 08/09 17:26狗狗快攻赤蛇群

KillerMoDo 08/09 17:26這些都他媽太菜了 講7e快攻 才是老屁

allmwh 08/09 17:26你沒有足夠ㄉ晶礦

KillerMoDo 08/09 17:26

Helloyou5566 08/09 17:27你沒有足夠的晶礦

crazydj 08/09 17:27伐伐伐伐伐伐木工

terry66 08/09 17:28野2bb 超爽


cacud 08/09 17:28七蟑螂搞你基地唷

oh123oh 08/09 17:28battlecruiser operational

InvincibleK 08/09 17:29蟲王是台灣的驕傲

js1986 08/09 17:29無情的死神來了

max0928895 08/09 17:29operation cwal

Fackman 08/09 17:29Scv ready

wm 08/09 17:29how do you turn this on

feng990719 08/09 17:30伐伐伐木工

fransiceyho 08/09 17:30我為愛而生~

max0928895 08/09 17:31坦克:噹喇噹~噹噹 噹喇噹~噹噹

psychohero 08/09 17:31

Nonegrame 08/09 17:33wzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza

a28200266 08/09 17:33你好啊 菜雞

alexstrasza 08/09 17:34operation cwal

sorrowtear 08/09 17:34飛龍騎臉怎麼輸

max0928895 08/09 17:34Battlecruiser operational~

TWPresident 08/09 17:34精礦不足

max0928895 08/09 17:34相當有磁性的發音

venomsoul 08/09 17:35My life for Aiur!

George72 08/09 17:35神族4BG

seafire 08/09 17:35為艾爾而生

George72 08/09 17:35神族光炮快攻

tsenyao 08/09 17:35來玩無限礦地圖

ckeisciltch 08/09 17:366D 4BG

kuloME 08/09 17:36hccc

bow76 08/09 17:36刺蛇海

as8116536 08/09 17:37為了艾爾

awomkjmn 08/09 17:37As you can see

AngelNo13 08/09 17:37Scv good to go sir

roger that!!!!

※ 編輯: dennistao ( 臺灣), 08/09/2023 17:38:26

farseer7 08/09 17:37Black sheep wall

Housetobe 08/09 17:38嗚呼~加班

lulocke 08/09 17:38光炮蓋你家

max0928895 08/09 17:38啊痛~朱一達斯~

andytaso 08/09 17:38刀鋒女王肥來了

kogsww 08/09 17:38去開圖啊

lulocke 08/09 17:38然後直升暗影

PanaS0Nic 08/09 17:39high speed low stress

beelezbub 08/09 17:39The nuclear has been launched dete

beelezbub 08/09 17:40cted

helloemperor 08/09 17:40個人覺得蟲心>自由>虛空

kilof 08/09 17:40蟲群與我同在

ilovebird 08/09 17:41用mind control把兵力上限弄到600

surelose 08/09 17:42Not enough minerals

mucorn 08/09 17:42飛龍叫聲:厚~趴它

ilovebird 08/09 17:42用異形工兵去對方異形家蓋刺塔直接滅族

tsungg 08/09 17:42my life for aiur

horseorange 08/09 17:43晶礦不足

seminal0204 08/09 17:43伐伐伐木工

kj632868 08/09 17:43XDD

hben 08/09 17:43阿丹阿達阿杜

tsungg 08/09 17:43星海二只是邪門歪道


shinakekaze 08/09 17:43show me the money

usnavyseal 08/09 17:44Ghost reporting

Somebody call for an exterminator

chow365 08/09 17:44以前都玩無限礦地圖


※ 編輯: dennistao ( 臺灣), 08/09/2023 17:46:02

kaitokid1214 08/09 17:45你沒有陸戰隊員了嗎

AhLiao 08/09 17:45狗狗海

virusDA 08/09 17:45BattleCruiser operational

Good day commander

Wwc0130 08/09 17:46F2 A

h30578978 08/09 17:46神族暗影快攻不是對方倒就是你倒

taiwanstrike 08/09 17:46R 你嚇到我了

MK250 08/09 17:46i. i. captain

※ 編輯: dennistao ( 臺灣), 08/09/2023 17:47:21

Trulli 08/09 17:47Good day, commander!

p2p8ppp 08/09 17:48陰蒂!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AhLiao 08/09 17:48來1打7

watchout 08/09 17:48推文都沒有SCV與光炮快攻唷

ALspeed 08/09 17:49遁地獸快攻

ALspeed 08/09 17:49速飛螳

HIIM8ard 08/09 17:50天地有情 人生無常 核子武器發射了

ck960817 08/09 17:50Spawn more overlords!

smallGGgirl 08/09 17:50Pimba

Ctacala 08/09 17:51王蟲載遁地獸亂礦啊

k960674 08/09 17:51大原所長和中川圭一

schumi7401 08/09 17:52精礦不足 工程車已準備完成

lwrwang 08/09 17:53Hey! You scared me!

ilsc 08/09 17:54

hlb5828 08/09 17:54Can you turn this on

Wangdy 08/09 17:54一波操作家裡工兵死光光

iamspikeking 08/09 17:55you want a peace of me boy

Curapikt 08/09 17:55show me the money

liker1412 08/09 17:56show me the money

bart102617 08/09 17:56show me the money

StellaLore 08/09 17:57en taro tassadar

robinstart 08/09 17:58black sheep wall

joe0112joe 08/09 18:00高能瓦斯永遠已經枯竭!

mengpo 08/09 18:02nuclear launch detected

majorland 08/09 18:05Power overwhelming

randomyo 08/09 18:06我從陰影中到來

sunhero 08/09 18:07小狗快攻

dinbeer 08/09 18:07你沒有陸戰隊了嗎

steven2004ss 08/09 18:07啊你嚇到我了

arrowfeather 08/09 18:07rock and roll!

Imagine15 08/09 18:08It’s about time!

caster5210 08/09 18:10you are under attack

zero501595 08/09 18:11航空母艦已經抵達

toyakoyosu 08/09 18:13My life for Aiur

fransiceyho 08/09 18:14已偵測到核彈發射

ohmypipi 08/09 18:15毒爆24連發

ccucwc 08/09 18:15show me the money

ax710755 08/09 18:16work work

YummyLin 08/09 18:16毒爆18連發

x941u4vu86 08/09 18:16糟了,是世界奇觀

x88776544pc 08/09 18:17佐助!

u8814032 08/09 18:18用守護者清理地面,再用刺蛇攻擊空中

harry99950 08/09 18:19Foxer

fentisy0224 08/09 18:204BG快攻

tonyycool 08/09 18:21我從虛空中到來 我們的移動是看不見掉

Amushroom 08/09 18:22噓~齁”

leo90238 08/09 18:22你不能在這裡越傳

alan010349 08/09 18:22You are not prepared

tonyycool 08/09 18:23對死神感到懼怕嗎 打帶跑

LoCoCo 08/09 18:24波波波~

katana89 08/09 18:24GOGOGO

YaLingYin 08/09 18:24是你在打招呼嗎

elia0325 08/09 18:25zergingblood

sakraypopo 08/09 18:25裸體睡雙人床

kc024 08/09 18:25

eddy12357 08/09 18:25小心手榴彈

mavschi41 08/09 18:26Whosyourdaddy

starjack2001 08/09 18:28我確認施放技能的快捷鍵永遠不只左

starjack2001 08/09 18:28鍵,有一整排

yin0123 08/09 18:28show me the money

fir191938 08/09 18:28My life for Aiur

littlestar66 08/09 18:29P imba啦

ImMACACO 08/09 18:29Require more Vespene gas

bruce78131 08/09 18:30靠喔唄

Nuey 08/09 18:304BG 偷偷在人家家裡蓋光炮 速隱刀 好玩的

sawe53 08/09 18:31生機槍手加坦克

etkiyas 08/09 18:33你需要更多王蟲

Visnjic 08/09 18:33毒爆蟲十八連發

ray18 08/09 18:34marco polo

qqtab 08/09 18:34Your magic is mine

DogWang 08/09 18:35當然是狂戰士戳死小狗啊

CRAZY800525 08/09 18:36Sen YYDS

Luckyo 08/09 18:39The hunters

Merkle 08/09 18:40bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

fd 08/09 18:40三不朽

angu81681652 08/09 18:41衝衝衝

TZofHES 08/09 18:42晶礦不足

a601401 08/09 18:44你沒有陸戰隊員了嗎??

imsfly 08/09 18:44rock on

blueskyqoo 08/09 18:45greedisgood 999999999

DevilEnvy 08/09 18:45虛空是冰冷的

Benbenyale 08/09 18:46ZIMBA

ryohei67 08/09 18:46show me the money啦

e104401e 08/09 18:47小心 隊友陣亡

qq950078 08/09 18:50你嚇到我了

nmchen 08/09 18:50Operation CWAL

sparta40 08/09 18:50suxk your mom. no problems, i did.

yangan 08/09 18:50rush

erwin33121 08/09 18:51Yes sir!Orders sir!Move it!

iksion 08/09 18:51網咖一小時60塊

tomlin2004 08/09 18:52精礦不足

WCG041 08/09 18:52show me the money

Bf109G6 08/09 18:52En Taro, Tassadar

cool10528 08/09 18:53AEGIS

o5515334 08/09 18:57show me the money

Righto 08/09 18:59真善美一波

trashwang 08/09 19:01聖甲蟲空降

TOBYMINMIN 08/09 19:04巨人坦克海

azt 08/09 19:08什麼 糧草增收人

j821005 08/09 19:08roger that

yoyohu 08/09 19:10F2+A

Mariah 08/09 19:12Gogogo rock'n roll

CSFV 08/09 19:12not enough mineral

bluesee 08/09 19:13Show me the money

pttcage 08/09 19:17舅公

shibaookenta 08/09 19:18my life for Aiur

pansquarl 08/09 19:18your base is under the attack

Hiiragi 08/09 19:19I smell magic in the air

jinso7410 08/09 19:19SVC good to go sir

KelSierSoH 08/09 19:216D

chanceiam 08/09 19:22How do you turn this on

edguy817 08/09 19:23尢尢

HardDDDD 08/09 19:25這遊戲有四個種族 P Z T 韓T

Raphael7725 08/09 19:28給我黃金

leecoco 08/09 19:29good day to die

cheakmo 08/09 19:31As you can see

kimos 08/09 19:31一代真的是經典! 世界上首創不對稱種族

Ken713062 08/09 19:31為了艾爾之光

kpause 08/09 19:32王蟲海空降赤蛇+遁地獸 到你主堡

kpause 08/09 19:32被鬧一波就沒心態了

Ken713062 08/09 19:32So bad 好壞哥

nickcool0203 08/09 19:33T imba!!! Now still is…..

kimos 08/09 19:34更早之前的即時戰略 兩邊的兵種都一樣 數

kimos 08/09 19:34值一樣只是長相不一樣.. 星海1能做到不對

kimos 08/09 19:34稱兵種還能平衡 真的是壯舉

memoryfarm 08/09 19:35飛龍折疊甩尾 極限控兵

kusocomtw 08/09 19:37En Taro Adun! Executor

kusocomtw 08/09 19:38Its a good day to die!

wlp3501 08/09 19:38Gogogo rock and roll

lovemost 08/09 19:42DVD

ENCOREH33456 08/09 19:43童年完全跳過這遊戲

GGINDOWBOW 08/09 19:45雙先知屠農

imhuck 08/09 19:45神族

foreverkodak 08/09 19:47還有誰在打星海二,現在比較常在美

foreverkodak 08/09 19:47

Arbay1011 08/09 19:47航空母艦已經抵達

peterturtle 08/09 19:47棄船逃生 這是個圈套

shejoyshe 08/09 19:48狂戰士海

Arbay1011 08/09 19:50巨人啟動

Arbay1011 08/09 19:51啊你嚇到我啦

mdkn35 08/09 19:56power overwhelming

ericwang1017 08/09 19:57rush, bc rush

MasakiPei 08/09 19:58Show me the money

alanlight 08/09 19:59糧草徵收人

Rheims 08/09 20:02已偵測到核彈發射

mangifera43 08/09 20:05把上衣穿好 年輕人

rayallen3001 08/09 20:09They are~~

danielampm 08/09 20:12塔斯丁狗~yahehehe

tom222 08/09 20:12國國國國國

bobohax01 08/09 20:17裸雙

zealone 08/09 20:17紅色警戒劇情模式比較好玩

j790822 08/09 20:17不用說一定是show me the money

edwardliamat 08/09 20:18battlecruiser operational

jimlexus 08/09 20:19show me the money

JamesChan51 08/09 20:20Show me the money

Tossdog 08/09 20:25在別人家偷蓋光炮

shintz 08/09 20:25你嚇到witch了

ger1871 08/09 20:26你沒有陸戰隊

kevin8290 08/09 20:36show me the money

lomo013076 08/09 20:43晶礦不足晶礦不足晶礦不足晶礦不足,

lomo013076 08/09 20:43高能瓦斯不足

handsomepig 08/09 20:43野兵營 速女妖

bob35 08/09 20:44伐伐伐木工

ohnotme 08/09 20:44scv good to go sir

Tix 08/09 20:44蟲族11D

sonyscei 08/09 20:48no noobs

wed3qla 08/09 20:58否阿肚

wed3qla 08/09 20:58舉奧死

wed3qla 08/09 20:58否了蓋米

wed3qla 08/09 20:58垃捨樹

hcd12394 08/09 21:04打蟲族先封門,媽只會6D速狗

hikinglee 08/09 21:20雷諾突擊隊

moonlightz 08/09 21:24Scv get go sit~

Zante 08/09 21:26how to turn you on~~

shitboy 08/09 21:30I like flower.奧黛麗,騎你老師

shitboy 08/09 21:30以上狂戰士配音

shitboy 08/09 21:32喵,初戀(台語),阿米哥,叔公(台語),環

shitboy 08/09 21:32保署,以上探測姬配音

Kaken 08/09 21:34Yamato Gun

tom830001 08/09 21:37星海可樂雞?!

pikochu 08/09 21:38you wanna piss off me,boys?

gn00026563 08/09 21:50scv ready to go sir

ohrring 08/09 21:51海盜攻擊機:阿公糾雷拉

smile2359630 08/09 21:55附屬建築完成

haleny 08/09 22:01Was 咪日咪陀

blufish 08/09 22:05You...pig.

ha11111543 08/09 22:07勇敢的人們承先啟後,選擇成為……黑

ha11111543 08/09 22:07暗聖堂武士!!

waloloo 08/09 22:09F2 A 哈哈,sdzzzz

yuiweq1999 08/09 22:11my life for Aiur

fish10606 08/09 22:23你這個肉~腳~

ccoffeee 08/09 22:26Blacksheepwall

victoryman 08/09 22:27SCV CAN GO GO GO SIR~

Phoenix0115 08/09 22:28噗噗噗噗噗

vicjoyce0328 08/09 22:29卡繃 寶貝

a27938686 08/09 22:32星海中配大原所長每次聽都笑

FiveSix911 08/09 22:37前方有高能反應

sendes 08/09 22:503v3 gogogo

basterds 08/09 22:56分屍女護理兵 不講武德到一個極致

EGAOTLDENAPP 08/09 22:57蟲巢群受到攻擊

jimmy40902 08/09 23:084BG強無敵

linbasohigh 08/09 23:08Q U A R R Y

iverson414 08/09 23:12糟糕!是世界奇觀

MelShina 08/09 23:16F2A

idolater 08/09 23:21give me somebody shoot !

idolater 08/09 23:21my honor job !

idolater 08/09 23:25SCV good to go,sir!

idolater 08/09 23:28Yes,sir! Orders,sir!

fourx5566 08/09 23:29輸了就打r e la

rokuman 08/09 23:55i sense a soul in search of answers

likemisyou 08/10 00:55高能瓦斯不足

e34l892 08/10 04:10reporting for duty

freshego 08/10 08:152233飛膛是吃甚麼長大的

lip335513 08/10 08:21因他囉 亞都

nightmooth 08/10 08:44吶吶哭啊法 校準虛空透鏡

breakingmilk 08/10 09:55gg

imccl 08/10 10:20scv can go sir

ax9199 08/10 10:39龍狗毒爆 飛龍騎臉怎麼輸

haveastar 08/10 11:28睡夢羅漢拳

yeath 08/11 13:00Good day