Re: [新聞] 外交部澄清 蔡總統從未表示泰國「阻擋」

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 外交部澄清 蔡總統從未表示泰國「阻擋」作者
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※ 引述《whiteadam (blue eyes blue)》之銘言:
: 果然是文字遊戲
: 法律系最喜歡這樣了
: 蔡:「泰國疫情嚴重,優先把疫苗留在國內」
: 你自己說 因為AZ疫苗是泰國製造 所以AZ疫苗優先在泰國國內使用
: 不就是在怪罪泰國嗎 不然是在讚賞泰國嗎
: 你指責人家AZ泰國廠 可是AZ泰國廠是泰王經營的
: 蔡英文也透過電話,接受綠色和平電台訪問,解釋6月疫苗吃緊,是因為AZ疫苗,
: 主要在泰國生產,但是泰國疫情嚴重,優先把疫苗留在了國內,七月疫苗量會開
: 始穩定,差不多進入七月的時候,我們會開始對一般國民施打疫苗。




Thailand is delaying locally-produced AstraZeneca vaccines to neighboring
countries while it focuses on inoculating its own citizens, a source told
Thai Enquirer on Thursday.

There have been problems scaling up production at Siam Bioscience, AZ’s
local partner and its sole regional producer, as has previously been reportedin Thai Enquirer. (Read more here)

Malaysia, Taiwan, and the Philippines have been informed by the Thai side
that orders for the AZ vaccine have been delayed by at least a month,
according to a report by Reuters.

The delay has been confirmed by multiple government officials across the
region. A source inside Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health told Thai
Enquirer that part of the reason for the delay is because the Thai government has decided to focus first on inoculating its own citizens.

“I think the government has been criticized from all sides due to its
decision to heavily rely on SBS vaccines and it is especially sensitive rightnow,” the source told Thai Enquirer by phone.

“So they are halting or delaying exports of the vaccine to focus on the
inoculation drive to gain back some credit.”

Thailand’s mass inoculation plans began this week on Monday and as of
Thursday morning has seen over 3 million people administered with the first
dose of the vaccine.

“I don’t know if this is going to create conflict with AstraZeneca but I do
know this is a positive decision for the Thai people,” the source added. “
The government is putting its people first even if it is to save face.”

Calls to AstraZeneca Thailand were not returned.


正如泰國詢問者先前報導的那樣,在擴大生產規模方面,AZ 的當地合作夥伴及其唯一的區域生產商 Siam Bioscience 出現了問題。 (在這裡閱讀更多)



“我認為政府因其決定嚴重依賴 SBS 疫苗而受到了各方的批評,現在特別敏感,”消息


泰國的大規模接種計劃於本週一開始,截至週四上午,已有超過 300 萬人接種了第一劑疫苗。

“我不知道這是否會與阿斯利康產生衝突,但我知道這對泰國人民來說是一個積極的決定,”消息人士補充道。 “即使是為了挽回面子,政府也將人民放在首位。”






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※ 編輯: decolonize ( 臺灣), 06/15/2021 01:06:05

myskyid 06/15 01:06

AkatsukiStar 06/15 01:08你可能不懂中文吧,不知道話中含義

AkatsukiStar 06/15 01:10語文差異導致誤解,這算不專業

AkatsukiStar 06/15 01:13拿外國媒體報導強加在她身上

AkatsukiStar 06/15 01:14這不是惡意,就是腦袋有問題

ardoctor 06/15 01:14法律系最會硬坳,這是他們的吃飯本領

wsmallmau 06/15 01:22很少有看到會參加地下電台訪談的...元

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