Re: [問卦] 神是故意造出不同種族的人來取樂的嗎

看板Gossiping標題Re: [問卦] 神是故意造出不同種族的人來取樂的嗎作者
時間推噓 X 推:1 噓:4 →:9

※ 引述《kevinkuku (1233211234567)》之銘言:
: 就很奇怪呀 平平都是人
: 為什麼分這麼多不同種族不同型態的人
: 然後語言文化風俗各自不同
: 造成民族之間互看不順眼 砍來殺去戰爭不斷
: 看看一個阿富汗 明明書同文車同軌
: 也是互相殺來殺去的
: 然後像中國
: 天南地北文化語言差異這麼大
: 照理說應該比中東中亞更複雜
: 但現在被中共整個壓的死死的
: 是不是因為無神論才讓他們免於分裂呀



Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans

The Genealogical Adam & Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry




※ PTT 留言評論
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n946 08/23 10:44哈們

kavengany 08/23 10:45礦物突變 這啥智障言論

march20 08/23 10:45這兩份報告的亞當/夏娃指的不是特定兩人

你應該先讀完那一份報告與專書 還有第二份報告,也說明我們全世界人民的祖先來自特定兩人。 Adam and Eve, Designed Diversity, and Allele Frequencies

n946 08/23 10:46亞當不是使徒嗎?


※ 編輯: DCHC ( 臺灣), 08/23/2021 10:49:24 ※ 編輯: DCHC ( 臺灣), 08/23/2021 10:53:13

march20 08/23 11:04第一份報告倒底哪一句有提到這種結論?

你還是錯了。 你沒看到這句話 common ancestry of all living humans 意思是人的共同祖先 你也沒看完第一篇研究報告 If a common ancestor of all living humans is defined as an individual who is a genealogical ancestor of all present-day people, the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) for a randomly mating population would have lived in the very recent past1–3. However, the random mating model ignores essential aspects of population substructure, such as the tendency of individuals to choose mates from the same social group, and the relative isolation of geographically separated groups. Here we show that recent common ancestors also emerge from two models incorporating substantial population substructure. One model, designed for simplicity and theoretical insight, yields explicit mathematical results through a probabilistic analysis. A more elaborate second model, designed to capture historical population dynamics in a more realistic way, is analysed computationally through Monte Carlo simulations. These analyses suggest that the genealogies of all living humans overlap in remarkable ways in the recent past. In particular, the MRCA of all present-day humans lived just a few thousand years ago in these models. Moreover, among all individuals living more than just a few thousand years earlier than the MRCA, each presentday human has exactly the same set of genealogical ancestors.

westlife0903 08/23 11:25原原po這種不發廢文會死的不用理他

westlife0903 08/23 11:26好嗎,讓他沉下去

相信無神論的政黨(共產黨、民主進步黨、國民黨)教導人民相信無神論, 宣傳謊言(認知作戰)。 導致人民不相信神創造宇宙、萬物與我們人類, 而我們只能宣傳服從科學方法的研究報告, 讓每個人從報告中,自己思考神教導我們的真理。

※ 編輯: DCHC ( 臺灣), 08/23/2021 12:42:04

march20 08/23 13:14你舉的這一段並沒有說你宣稱的事

march20 08/23 13:15"IF" <-- 假如

march20 08/23 13:15有沒有把假設當成結論的八卦?

march20 08/23 13:17然後最後一句

march20 08/23 13:17exactly the same set of genealogical

march20 08/23 13:18ancestors. 有沒有兩個祖先要用 set

march20 08/23 13:18不用 pair 的八卦?