[問卦] 「讓你登大人」英文怎麼精準翻譯?

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「可以讓你。登。Dua 。郎。喔!」

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lolic 09/14 10:02fuck you

frommr 09/14 10:02fuck your ass

aa1052026 09/14 10:02BE A MAN

s175 09/14 10:02R U alone?

ezlifee1140 09/14 10:02Let u be a man

vowpool 09/14 10:03make you be a real MAN

AndyYoYo 09/14 10:03I’ll make a man out of you

wolve 09/14 10:03happy happy

kevinpc 09/14 10:04anal

andy6805 09/14 10:04turn adulllllllllllt ~

Gandalf 09/14 10:04Gun

jpg31415926 09/14 10:05Be a gay

flicker36 09/14 10:05let you ban ban ban

animad 09/14 10:05fire in the hole

maximu 09/14 10:07fuck off

Forcast 09/14 10:08被女友登dua狼

e86117934 09/14 10:08

chen7572 09/14 10:09adulate

lllll12b56 09/14 10:12fuck you

e1q3z9c7 09/14 10:12let you climb adult

marktak 09/14 10:12FQ bro.

benomy 09/14 10:13Make you great again !

Longlywalker 09/14 10:16Real Steel

JUSTMYSUN 09/14 10:17be a man

ers545 09/14 10:18fuck up

froce 09/14 10:18I want your virgin

kt40 09/14 10:20make you level up

kukokuka 09/14 10:24boy to man

gygy2020 09/14 10:26Let u know someting

baileegunlin 09/14 10:30man up

akino911911 09/14 10:31Be a man,With all the strength of

akino911911 09/14 10:31 a raging fire

riotssky 09/14 10:32Just let me teach you how to turn on

riotssky 09/14 10:32 your inside.

josephchen08 09/14 10:33turning a boy to a real man

hughjetman 09/14 10:35Meh siu gan mo?

GrayMan 09/14 10:35大家同心作戰

edward8401 09/14 10:36let you be a big man

BensonTu 09/14 10:37Teach you a lesson to be an adult.

PeterL 09/14 10:42Left right, Left right,and then AB

jump693 09/14 10:43turn into adult

starless00 09/14 11:08dick level up

li72716 09/14 11:21turn big MAN

selvester 09/14 11:27Adultery Ritual

wp972160 09/14 11:29let you transfer to big gun

phatman 09/14 11:38

lineagewen 09/14 12:12dai nin ni nobosaseru

StevoWu 09/14 12:55holy deng darang la

aurorahuangh 09/14 13:11I’ll bring you to the next leve

aurorahuangh 09/14 13:11l

x0003 09/14 13:53Boy♂Next♂Door

zhwang77 09/14 14:02holy damn dark lawn

g4zoco196 09/14 14:44fuck me