[問卦] 「把精神拿出來」英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「把精神拿出來」英文怎麼說?作者
時間推噓68 推:72 噓:4 →:32

如題 通常打仗在提振士氣的時候

take out your god???


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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kcclasaki 05/13 20:02How do you turn this on

fwiller 05/13 20:03I LOVE DPP

asked 05/13 20:03DPP is doing great

derrick1220 05/13 20:03Show me your fucking spirit

l11111111 05/13 20:04You still have life.

guardangle 05/13 20:04i want to be major

marques 05/13 20:04dentist like eat shit

BILLYTHEKID 05/13 20:04You go

Julian9x9x9 05/13 20:05stick semen god take out come

spartaucs896 05/13 20:05blowjob

icome 05/13 20:05Fuck my ass

ALAN781215 05/13 20:05May show gun more?

kimp01pr1nce 05/13 20:06show me your dick

jma306 05/13 20:06

Submicromete 05/13 20:06bring your spirit

lianpig5566 05/13 20:07Vote DPP

little8love 05/13 20:07You suck

yyan1218 05/13 20:08Vote dpp

satllion 05/13 20:08Give me your sperm and god

hatephubbing 05/13 20:09你不是還有生命嗎

black80731 05/13 20:09MEN ++ plz

ultraccs 05/13 20:09fuxk

gem810611 05/13 20:09英文說 阿中你要自立自強

u832u03s84 05/13 20:10

wwewcwwwf 05/13 20:10tight tight tight

DarkerDuck 05/13 20:11Suck my DPP

Vassili242 05/13 20:11ba jin shen nah tsu lai

hellophoenix 05/13 20:12獻出心臟!

haipis 05/13 20:12put yourself together!

rakuten21 05/13 20:13IKEA

aure0914 05/13 20:13莎莎給油

xeins 05/13 20:13Get balls ready

cateyes 05/13 20:13show me the money

members 05/13 20:14摳尼機挖

trf560 05/13 20:15GO GO GO

mayah326 05/13 20:167+10+9+11

LoCKeR941010 05/13 20:17read my name

Siegfried921 05/13 20:18Hail DPP!

probe 05/13 20:18Hold on

green04 05/13 20:19Play like a champion today!

irh 05/13 20:20Tal Thul Ort Amn

guaiacol 05/13 20:20take a ray out

Forcast 05/13 20:21去掛身心科

jason486 05/13 20:22suck it

tobu 05/13 20:25follow DPP

u832u03s84 05/13 20:28

gtcb 05/13 20:29Shut up, bitch!

pokiman 05/13 20:30

G8AJ 05/13 20:33show me your Taiwan value

qqqqwe15 05/13 20:34wake up!

zenoofelea 05/13 20:34smells like teen spirit

PPPGGG 05/13 20:36Take your life

ae 05/13 20:37Duck bubi

siloin 05/13 20:38Up yours!

kevin0316 05/13 20:40Son, I am your father

logogo 05/13 20:48Pour it out

Andrealphus 05/13 20:51Gung ho !

minipc 05/13 20:51pretty tight

polarization 05/13 20:53Go die

kuanhunter 05/13 20:57fuck off

kuanhunter 05/13 20:57GO GO Power Ranger

LeonBolton 05/13 20:59Who is your daddy

savishu 05/13 21:00show me the fucking money!!!!!!!

tim32142000 05/13 21:02英文說 自立自強

waloloo 05/13 21:04fuck off

ouka 05/13 21:05raikageart is good

x80378 05/13 21:07whos car

ljuber 05/13 21:12Wake me up~ before you gogo!!

sazdj 05/13 21:15Cut your chive up

Wolfgang9527 05/13 21:15lift your chin up

h965715 05/13 21:16go to hell

ggman2 05/13 21:17kiss my juju

buyala 05/13 21:20let ur soul out

tudo0430 05/13 21:24prepare to die

god890529 05/13 21:25DiuNeiLoMo

boyce0209 05/13 21:31英文我不知道 但日文應該是根性を出せ

boyce0209 05/13 21:31很中二的幹話

teiamatozero 05/13 21:39Go, go, go! Ale, ale, ale!

becareful 05/13 21:42show me the money

scottbaken 05/13 21:42sinzong sasa gayo!!!

LACARIA 05/13 21:43Find ur ball

st2913sbck 05/13 21:44May the Taiwan value be with u

garcia 05/13 21:44Hail DPP

icou 05/13 21:53take your spirit out!

northwater 05/13 22:08wake up u dumb asshole

KDGC 05/13 22:13Go To Hell

wubaisau 05/13 22:20cheer up baby

rlo14 05/13 22:34green light i am searching for u

Mellissa 05/13 22:43Spirit creampie !!

Cireiat 05/13 22:45 Show me your fucking dick!

seuil 05/13 22:45Taiwan lamba wan

g204094 05/13 23:08Do your job 可憐醫護

ppttpptt 05/13 23:14Dpp number 1, dpp can help

Mrlegend 05/13 23:21put your foolish ambition to rest

CDing 05/13 23:21Show ur spirits

batista5566 05/13 23:27Show me the money

peterchou 05/13 23:41I am queen fk u all

cgser 05/14 00:19who car ?

fufugirl 05/14 00:19pull yourself together!

cpimqlr 05/14 00:46pull your shit together

AGITOH 05/14 00:47牙醫不懂就算了 這句汙辱性滿分

jason613 05/14 01:08fucking ur asshole

EGG23460 05/14 01:39笑死

tanchuchan 05/14 07:07show me the money

k078787878 05/14 10:33Don’t look down

theknight 05/14 10:36DPP ALWAYS RIGHT

tbes 05/14 10:46DPP IS SHIT

turtlebj4 05/14 13:06goverment do not care about you