[問卦] Had been到底什麼時候用得上?
I had worked for five hours
I have been working for five hours
I had been.....
有沒有had been到底什麼時候用得上的八卦?
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i go to school by bus
I’m fine. Thank you!
第一句是過去的事 第二句是過去到現在還在
The sun rises in the east
10F’s anus has been plugged for 3 hours.
講述你在若干時間前 已經做了某事n時間
但現在是否持續在做 可能已經沒了
5f had been boki every morning
I had been dedicated as everybody's fr
ee teacher
I had been dedicating as everybody's f
ree teacher.
they had been f**king for two hour
s when her husband entered the roo
一個是過去 一個是持續到現在
her husband had been stuned for a whil
[外絮] Kobe曾說LBJ不是為LA而生的,他想被喜愛Doug Gottlieb Says Kobe Bryant Once Told Him ‘LeBron Isn't Built for LA' Fox Sports的籃球分析師和主持人Doug Gottlieb分享了一個關於Kobe的小故事,當時LBJ 剛確定要加盟湖人。 Doug Gottlieb: “One night, and I have talked about this, Kobe and I had been爆
[爆卦] CNN: 美國CDC調升台灣旅遊風險警示CNN:美國CDC於本周一將5個目的地改列中度風險(level-2), 包含台灣、墨西哥、伊朗、貝里斯及安巴。 這對過去疫情中表現亮眼的台灣不是個好消息,因為過去它一直都列在低風險(level-1)。 雖然過去緊守邊境的台灣近兩個月已放寬旅遊限制,但CDC列表裡仍不建議前往休閒旅遊。爆
[爆卦] ICO關於LSE的論文門裁定全文公告上網比較有趣的是 16.The LSE accepted that it did still retain President Tsai’s student record, but that that record only dealt with her activities at the LSE – and this did not include details of her final examination or viva.爆
[外絮] Lue:人們覺得沒有LBJ我做不到,想證明Lue:人們覺得沒有LBJ我做不到,想證明自己有能力執教 Despite winning a championship and helping guide the Cavs to the greatest comeba ck in NBA Finals history by erasing a 3-1 deficit to beat Golden State in 2016, Lue doesn't get a lot of credit for the title that many instead will remember as James willing a championship to Cleveland.爆
[分享] 美國退役將領:俄軍採取I.F.R.戰術"I don’t think they are doing very well at all. They have been delayed, they are slow. They are following the tactic called I.F.R., I follow roads. I kind of wish we had our air forces up against them because we would have eliminated them almost immediately. The Ukrainian resistance has been爆
[外絮] 字母哥談打板灌籃:我看了什麼,很幸運上字母哥談打板灌籃:我看了什麼,很幸運上帝給了我出色的彈跳能力 BOSTON -- — Giannis Antetokounmpo had already picked up his dribble and spent h alf of a Eurostep when he realized he had nowhere to go with the ball. 字母哥已經收球,並且歐洲步踩了一半,這時他意識到自己無路可走。 Instead of attempting an off-balance shot or passing to a well-guarded teammate,69
[花邊] Rudy Gobert: MVP我若有票會投給 Jokic"Who has been the most valuable for their team? If I had a vote, I would vote for Jokic. i think he was the most impactful for his team." Jazz center Rudy Gobert says Nuggets' star Nikola Jokic is his vote for MVP. 「誰對他們隊上的球隊來說有最多價值?60
[情報] SAS推特批CP3書人G6神隱但tag錯人SAS推特: I have never been more wrong. I can’t believe how great the @dallasmavs look — and how pathetically awful the @Suns look. @CP3 & @DevinBooker31 have59
Re: [花邊] D.Cousins談國王:他們為我做了什麼?原文恕刪 找了這篇原文 我們來看一下裡面說了甚麼 In an interview with Marc Spears of Andscape, Cousins was asked about the one thing he’d change in his career if he could go back and do it differently.
[問卦] 美國洛杉磯大火宛如地獄!爆
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Re: [問卦] 加拿大總理特魯多宣布辭職