[問卦] Standing Here I Realize.....
Standing Here I Realize you were just like me trying to make history
But who's to judge the right from wrong
When our guard is down I think we'll both agree
That violence breeds violence
But in the end it has to be this way
但到頭來 卻也只能選擇這種方式
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障時,why not
why won't you die
[情報] AD:我不會放棄,我70%比很多人的100%要好“At this point, I know what we’re playing for,” Davis said. “If I’ve got to go through this pain — hopefully it’s not the last four games, hopefully it’s more — then, so be it. I know that, me, myself and my team, know I left it out on the floor. Just like I did in the playoffs last year as well.爆
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[花邊] Pierce:我能有哈登生涯的隊友,我可能Pierce:我能有哈登生涯的隊友,我可能已經拿下五個總冠軍了 I mean he respects Doc. I don’t think he respects Steve Nash, Doc is gonna do e verything in his power to try to make them to work. But my thing is when I look at that Embiid right now is the best big in the game but I’m like … if I had t he chance to play with the talent that Harden plays with, I’d probably be walki爆
[外絮] LBJ談Vogel被解僱:我只能控制我能控制LBJ談Vogel被解僱:我只能控制我能控制的 LeBron James is set to work with a third head coach in his fourth year with the Los Angeles Lakers following the franchise’s dismissal of Frank Vogel. 在球隊解僱Vogel之後,LBJ將在洛杉磯湖人隊的第四年與第三位總教練合作。 The first season of Vogel’s reign ended in the 17th NBA title for the Lakers an爆
[外絮] KI:如果在騎士有現在成熟,能拿更多冠軍籃網後衛Kyrie Irving近日參加了一檔名為《我是運動員(I Am Athlete)》的節目,期間 他談到了自己當初在奪冠後離開克里夫蘭的經歷。 “If I was in the same maturity line and understanding of who I am, and I look b ack, we definitely, definitely would’ve won more championships, because there w ould’ve been a better man-to-man understanding about what I’m going through. I25
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