[問卦] 研究:猴痘患者41%是愛滋98%是男同志或雙
Overall, 98% of the persons with infection were gay or bisexual men, and 75% were White. The median age was 38 years. A total of 41% of the persons were living with HIV infection, and in the vast majority of these persons, HIV infection was well controlled; 96% of those with HIV infection were taking ART, and in 95% the HIV viral load was less than 50 copies per milliliter (Table 2). Preexposure prophylaxis had been used in the month before presentation in 57% ofthe persons who were not known to have HIV infection.......
.....The clinical presentation was similar among persons with HIV infection and those without HIV infection. The clinical characteristics of the persons with HIV infection are shown in Table 2. Concomitant STIs were reported in 109 of the 377 persons (29%) who were tested, with gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis found in 8%, 5%, and 9%, respectively, of the those who underwent testing.
猴痘感染者有98%為男同性戀或男雙性戀 41%是愛滋病患
29%有其他性病如 淋病批衣菌梅毒
真恐怖 原來猴痘幾乎都是肛甲集團的
那這樣猴痘要怎麼防疫 有什麼好方法嗎??
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怎麼說 根本不意外
果然甲本身就帶毒 八卦版是先知
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[外絮] 持久耐操是字母哥其中一項最好特色Durability continues to be one of Giannis Antetokounmpo's greatest strengths 密爾瓦基的指標選手字母哥,試圖以避免受傷,以免落後其他NBA超級巨星 Milwaukee's franchise player has managed to avoid the injuries that have slowed down other NBA superstars. Shaun Powell77
[外絮] The Athletic關於Draft Combine專文來源:The Athletic(須付費) 作者:John Hollinger與Sam Vecenie The 2022 NBA Draft Combine has come and gone, with the event achieving its usual goal of kicking off the draft cycle in earnest. John Hollinger was on38
[爆卦] 鯊魚可以提煉對抗COVID用的特殊蛋白正式論文: 大意與原理: 研究人員表示,他們發現鯊魚特有的一種蛋白質能夠中和 COVID-19 病毒及其變種。“這些微型的抗體蛋白可以進入人類抗體無法進入的角落和縫隙。33
[爆卦] 日本東北大學成功開發磁液化氫氣材質論文出處 國立材料科學研究所 (NIMS)、日本東北大學和日本同步輻射研究所 (JASRI) 開發了一系 列基於 Er(Ho)Co 2的磁冷卻合金,可用於將氫氣從 77 K 有效冷卻至 20 K : 液化溫度 。這些合金表現出優異的循環耐久性,可用於開發能夠實現低成本氫氣液化的高性能磁製28
[爆卦] 杜蘭大學研究 covid 對靈長類腦部影響Tulane study shows COVID-19’s lingering impacts on the brain April 01, 2022 COVID-19 patients commonly report having headaches, confusion and other neurological symptoms, but doctors don’t fully understand how the disease targets the brain during infection.14
[爆卦] 莫德納對幼兒預防感染的保護力不到45%都是2022/3/23的美國新聞資訊 CBS: Vaccine efficacy was 37.5% in children ages 2 to 6, the company said Wednesday, and 43.7% in children 6 months to 2 years old. Blood samples from8
[閒聊] Solasta: Crown of the Magister - Lost遊戲荒 小品DLC怎麼沒人討論 正傳其實還不錯啊 還有中文 很有誠意了 麻雀雖小五臟俱全
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Re: [問卦] 黑熊學院:戰爭已經開打了!!46
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